Damn it!!

Hmm, a few names come to mind:

Peter Wildoer of Darkane
Matt McDonough of Mudvayne
Dirk Verbeuren of Soilwork and Scarve

Lots of more, but I'm sure it's going to be pretty hard to find somebody who wants to learn all those comlex songs. If I was good enough, I'd definitely try out for them.
It's funny 'cause I once heard a drummer say that good drummers are a dime a dozen these days, yet projects like this are almost always held back by a lack of good drummers to be found. I'd say good guitarists are more common, though not many stack up against Ron.

Sadly, Bobby is the only person I can think of qualified for this project, but he's likely busy with Iced Earth these days.
Yep, Bobby is pretty busy these days. However, even if he was available, I wanted this project to be something different than WatchTower/Spastic Ink.
Of course, Bobby would be a great choice to play the material, but working with different players always brings out something different. For instance, that is totally the case working with Alex Webster. Believe it or not, but I had to learn to "death metal pick" for some songs! Yep, something new for me. And it's pretty damn cool too! Alex also writes finger twisters that have so uncommon patterns, and all it does is make for a better player, and different writer.

I listened to a lot of Chris Adler's work too when writing these songs, so there will be a bit of a different groove/vibe on these songs. But now, who's going to play these songs??!

Well, I found Alex through you guys on this forum, as well as Jeff Eber who played on "Ink Compatible". So put your thinking caps on, and let's figure this out...

In other words... HELP!!!!!

Hmmm, drummers that are killer and may have some time. Here are a few & some of the bands they have been or are involved with...

1) Derek Roddy (http://www.derekroddy.com) - Hate Eternal, Nile, Aurora Borealis, Malevolent Creation, and Council Of The Fallen.
2) Nick Barker - Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth
3) Tomas Haake - Meshuggah

Just a thought. Why not check out some drummers who ARE NOT in other bands? They would certainly have the time to concentrate on the songs.
Noble Viking said:
Gene Hogland
That's Hoglan. He would be incredible, but he's always incredibly busy with SYL, The Devin Townsend Band, and the occasional fill-in gig with Opeth.

Richard Christy (does he even play drums anymore?)
I wish he was still drumming, but now he's just one of the many dolts on the Howard Stern show. Sad. His work with Death was phenomenal.
jimbobhickville said:
It's funny 'cause I once heard a drummer say that good drummers are a dime a dozen these days, yet projects like this are almost always held back by a lack of good drummers to be found. I'd say good guitarists are more common, though not many stack up against Ron.

Sadly, Bobby is the only person I can think of qualified for this project, but he's likely busy with Iced Earth these days.

Good metal drummers are extremely hard to find. Probably because of all the dedication it takes to be skilled at this music genre. It took my band almost two years before they found me as a drummer. It was not easy either since their music is very demanding. Our new material is even more demanding.

Sad to see that Bobby isn't drumming in the new Spastic Ink album. I have his instructional video and that guy kicks some major ass. Hopefully Spastic will find a good drummer soon.
Proscriptor McGovern not too sure what he is doing now that Absu is on hold I dont know how much work Melechesh is giving him but he does some awesome work.
revsharp777 said:
That's Hoglan. He would be incredible, but he's always incredibly busy with SYL, The Devin Townsend Band, and the occasional fill-in gig with Opeth.

I wish he was still drumming, but now he's just one of the many dolts on the Howard Stern show. Sad. His work with Death was phenomenal.

Bah, I know who Hoglan is, but I did spell his name wrong. It's cool to see another fan of Death here though bro :headbang:

The old and new Drummer from Into Eternity is pretty damn good too on another note.
I love Thomas Haake, but I think he'd be a bad choice. His style is so vastly different from anyone else that it would end up sounding too much like Meshuggah in the end.

Thomas LeJon (or whatever his name is) from Andromeda would probably be a good choice, but I think he might be busy recording the new Andromeda disc. Then again, maybe you're looking for more aggressive stylings, and in that case, look up Dave Lombardo. Has he even been in anything since the last Grip Inc? Oh wait, he's back in Slayer, isn't he? Then get Paul Bostaph :)
nicosanchez said:
It seems that you haven't read the entire thread.......
It's difficult to find good musicians, whether they are guitar players, drummers, or marimba-players.

I agree, however I got the impression this thread was more focused around Spastic Ink searching for a replacement drummer rather than just finding skilled musicians in general.

But your totally right, good marimba-players who play metal are extremely hard to find! :D