Dave Mustaine vs Satanists (This gets funny!!!)


May 8, 2003
Reactivated Swedish death metallers Dissection have officially cancelled their previously announced appearance at the Metalist Festival in Israel, according to Blabbermouth.net. A statement on the matter from Dissection mainman Jon Nödtveidt reads as follows:

"I unfortunately have to inform you about the fact that Dissection have been cancelled from the Metalist Festival in Israel (a gig which was 100 percent confirmed), obviously as a result of Mr. Dave Mustaine of Megadeth (who are headlining the festival) not wanting to play with Satanic bands (according to himself because of his new-found Christian beliefs)!

"I'm also informed that we are supposed to share the bill with Megadeth at Fury Fest (France) later in June so I therefore want to say, on the behalf of both Dissection and myself; Mustaine, you dare to put yourself in our way but you don't dare to meet us? You want to have Dissection cancelled because you do not dare to face true opponents in faith?! You think this will stop us?! We are Satanists, yes, truly enemies of yours! For we are the antithesis to cowards like you! If you are a man of true belief, meet us in France at Fury Fest and stand up for it! Or will you have us cancelled this time too?"
You want to have Dissection cancelled because you do not dare to face true opponents in faith?! You think this will stop us?! We are Satanists, yes, truly enemies of yours!


Lighten up, Francis
I found this at their site...

A triumphal march of sonic darkness and black metallic light! Re-conquering the stage, Dissection usurps the throne after almost a decade of turbulence! For Dissection, the rebirth was all about liberation, about the fierce pressure built up, boiling throughout the last seven years, being released upon Europe like a hurricane... Its lethal impulse relentlessly unchained and celebrated upon the bloodstained altar of Anti-Cosmic Metal!

...these black/satanic metal pricks are really too much.
the guy (Nödtveidt) is truly a zealot, but if what he says is true, then he's absolutely right. Fuck Mustaine, if he's getting bands' gigs cancelled because of their religious beliefs. If he doesn't want to play with them, then he should pull Megadeth out, not the other way around.

Then again, the promoters are at fault too... if having Megasuck as a headliner is worth losing other bands from the roster (for no good reason), then I think they'll see the error of their ways soon enough. They might as well just do Christian metal fests.

Or, perhaps my judgment is clouded today, since I'm under the weather.

...these black/satanic metal pricks are really too much.

Are they really any worse than people who make blanket statements about entire genres of music?
booB said:
the guy (Nödtveidt) is truly a zealot, but if what he says is true, then he's absolutely right. Fuck Mustaine, if he's getting bands' gigs cancelled because of their religious beliefs. If he doesn't want to play with them, then he should pull Megadeth out, not the other way around.

Then again, the promoters are at fault too... if having Megasuck as a headliner is worth losing other bands from the roster (for no good reason), then I think they'll see the error of their ways soon enough. They might as well just do Christian metal fests.

Or, perhaps my judgment is clouded today, since I'm under the weather.

Are they really any worse than people who make blanket statements about entire genres of music?
i totally agree with u
I have to wonder if there is a more convoluted story behind the scenes that just isn't getting publicized.
I'm thinking what Ruthven is thinking. For the following logic:

A. Dave Mustaine is the Man.
B. Simply not playing a show because a different band disagrees with you on something is just silly.
C. Anyone deemed "The Man" does not do silly things.

As you can see, things aren't completely adding up, and Mustaine probably has some sort of in depth explanation. Actually, I think I'll take a trip over to the Megadeth forum right now.
What the FUCK is so hard to understand? If you accept the Christian faith, then you reject the opposite. He's adopted a new lifestyle, and he's just standing up for what he believes in. That simple. I give the man credit. Personally, I think for any figure in metal to be openly Christian and back it up with deeds is extremely cool. That takes way more balls than any of these fruitcakes trying to out-evil each other with all their devil bullshit. Think about it - having the BALLS to stick out in the crowd regardless the criticism you receive. That's METAL. I hope others follow his lead and learn to speak their TRUE minds, and not play into all the image bullshit that's just as prevalent in metal as it is in pop. It's all just different packaging. Incidentally, Mustaine stated very clearly that he would be willing to drop Megadeth off any bill that presented a conflict of faith for him, rather than force the other band to do it. If the opposite happens, blame the promoters for kicking off the lesser of two bands, which after all, just makes sense. No one else will sell as many tickets as Megadeth.

I think it's pathetic that people can't relate at least on some level to what he's doing, be it religion or anything else. Does that mean no one else here feels strongly enough about any one thing in their life to draw a line in the sand to honor their own beliefs? Sad life.

Mustaine rules.
I read a couple of statements that Mustaine made in regards to another gig that went awry - performing with Rotting Christ - and if he is being upfront, I can understand and respect his position.

"Dave Mustaine: "Well, if they are on it, I certainly don't want to kick them off. We will just have to pass and play Greece another time or place. I have informed my management and they know what I feel.""

So who is behind the cancellations? From the way the statement sounds, it sounds as if Mustaine doesn't want to perform with overtly satanic bands, and is willing to walk away from gigs with them. That is totally his right. If the promoter decides to drop another band from the bill in order to keep Megadeth, that's not Mustaine's problem.

I don't know anything about Dissection and only the slightest about Rotting Christ, so by no means am I trying to talk bad about them or their fans. In fact, truth be told, lyrical matter aside, I am probably more likely to enjoy a Rotting Christ album more than a Megadeth album these days. And I certainly don't understand this entire situation, so maybe Mustaine is acting like a jerk. I'm only commenting on what I have read so far.

But when I read the statements of both bands, where they are ripping anyone who follows Christian beliefs, I wonder why Mustaine should have to play with these guys if they are trashing his religion? Personally, I'd probably let it slide if I was in the situation, but I can appreciate the comment Mustaine makes about "It's not much different from staying away from booze if you have made a decision to be sober."

I don't think that this news would be as widely spread if a satanic band refused to play gigs because of a Christian opening act - which I would be willing bet has happened more times than we know.
Jim LotFP said:
Let us not forget that Jon Nödtveidt spent time in jail for KILLING SOMEBODY.


Good perspective there, huh? Let's also remember Mustaine only said he didn;t want to share a bill with Satanic bands. He was otherwise very cordial and professional in making his position known. Meanwhile, Satan's cronies shot back one disrespectful insult after another toward Mustaine and Christianity in general.

I have just eight words for Dissection, and they should probably start memorizing them now:

"Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?"
Jim LotFP said:
Let us not forget that Jon Nödtveidt spent time in jail for KILLING SOMEBODY.

Didn't know that, Jim, so thanks for the info.

Oh, and good to hear from you...in a bbs kinda way ;) Take it easy, man.
metal71 said:

Two new acts just added to Gigantour Second Stage:

King Diamond

Funny thing about that is that back in the day, King Diamond and Stryper were apparently pretty good friends. I guess the modern day equivalent to that friendship is Behemoth and As I Lay Dying ;)
Jim LotFP said:
Mustaine is a dink but it is very, very unfortunate that Mr. Nödtveidt is alive, much less walking free and able to pursue his musical career.

What do you think is more metal Faggi: Bibles, or murder?
Also: America, or Sweden
And: Long hair, or no hair
Not to forget: Whining in a metallica movie, or satanic ramblings?

Correct answers: murder, Sweden, long hair and satanic ramblings. Overall, Dissection wins!
Mattias of the Night said:
What do you think is more metal Faggi: Bibles, or murder?

Murder vs Bibles is irrelevant. Going to jail is a more heavy metal reason to put a career on hold than faking an arm injury, after all.


Being raped in prison for taking orders from a man called Vlad is hardly very metal.

God is the greatest danger to mankind.

Mustaine follows a great danger. Jon followed a racist homophobe.

Megadeth wins.

Mattias of the Night said:
Also: America, or Sweden

America. Sweden is about fifteen years behind the US on the heavy metal evolutionary scale. The US has a heavy metal heritage that goes back to the 60s. What does Sweden have? Bathory? Led by a man so impressive that his daddy denied kinship throughout his entire career.

Sweden is full of false rage with their welfare state and McDonalds that serve carrots. pfffft. Like white suburban rap fans in the US.

US wins.

Mattias of the Night said:
And: Long hair, or no hair

Long hair. Which four members of Megadeth have, and only two members of Dissection have. Nödtveidt is shaved bald like a prison bitch.

Megadeth wins.

Mattias of the Night said:
Not to forget: Whining in a metallica movie, or satanic ramblings?

"A triumphal march of sonic darkness and black metallic light! Re-conquering the stage, Dissection usurps the throne after almost a decade of turbulence! For Dissection, the rebirth was all about liberation, about the fierce pressure built up, boiling throughout the last seven years, being released upon Europe like a hurricane... Its lethal impulse relentlessly unchained and celebrated upon the bloodstained altar of Anti-Cosmic Metal!"

Sounds like gay goth poetry from a 15 year old, and references a Scorpions song. How unfortunate.

This category has to be a tie because that's definitely no less pathetic than whining in a Metallica movie.

So Megadeth wins 3-0-1.

Dissection sucks.

Mattias was outclassed by a bumbloozdood.

Sweden sucks.

Game over!
while i respect Dave's move for christianity, i think he should play any and all gigs available. what better way to share his faith than play before/after a satanic band? if you ask me, face your enemies Dave. it's all the more reason *to* play the shows, not back down.
Silent Song said:
while i respect Dave's move for christianity, i think he should play any and all gigs available. what better way to share his faith than play before/after a satanic band? if you ask me, face your enemies Dave. it's all the more reason *to* play the shows, not back down.

Totally agree with you. For these born again guys, isn't it about spreading the message? Where better to spread the message than to people who may be there supporting Dissection and Rotting Christ? And isn't it Christian to forgive someone for their sins (murder et. al?) particularly when they have served the time allotted to them? And if Megadeth headlines, isn't "god" the winner? "god" and "good" gets top billing. There is something silly going on here and I think it's coming from the Megadeth camp. Maybe Mr. Mustaine should headline CREATION with Bride, Bloodgood, and Whitecross?

As for Dissection, I'll take their music over Megadeth any day. Angry young men who spit in the face of everything society upholds. Remember that, Dave?
What does Sweden have? Bathory? Led by a man so impressive that his daddy denied kinship throughout his entire career.

LOL... I don't know that much background information on Bathory, but I thought maybe Quorthon came home one day and said, "Hey dad, guess what? I'm officially the satanic black metal god of the universe!", and then his dad started Black Mark so that he could bring his message to the people. LOL