Death Metal

I got excited that someone finally resurrected this thread but it's just some faggot spamming his own shitty band. Fucking Mondays man, kms
Did you guys know that if you play Cryptopsy's Ungentle Exhumation 7" at 45rpm, it sounds like someone is covering Brodequin's Instruments of Torture but in standard tuning? Found that out the other night. I hadn't heard it before (despite loving Blasphemy Made Flesh and None So Vile being in my top 5 albums of all time), and me and a buddy got fucking ripped and wanted to jam it, so we're sitting there listening to it, and I'm so fucking baked that I can't tell that the sound is weird, and he's even more gone than I am, so I'm sitting there talking about damn dude, this shit is fast as fuck, I can't believe how crazy the drumming is blah blah blah and he just keeps nodding his head and agreeing hahahahaha it wasn't until we flipped the record over that we realized it. tbh it almost sounded better sped way the hell up, it was basically BMF on angel dust.
Saw this thread towards the top and immediately thought Morguelord must be back for one of his monthly updates!

I haven’t heard any recent death metal that excites me. Gave a few tracks from that Tomb Mold everyone keeps talking about a listen and didn’t get much from it.
You mean the Garroted demo? Or has the EP leaked? Metal-archives says it’s not out until the 6th.

I need to listen to that Mortem more you’re right. Been listening to their other albums more.

Just lately I find I need to be in a specific kind of mood to want to listen to death metal. Not always the case, but I find it requires more effort for me to truly absorb than a lot of other genres, which makes me almost never want to listen to something new - I just put something on I’m already familiar with. Unless it has an aesthetic that instantly appeals to me.
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I've been jamming more old shit than anything, but I have found a few newer bands lately that I've been digging on:

Vile Apparition from Australia:

Fetid from Washington:

Torture Rack from Oregon:

Calcemia from California:

I've also been jamming a lot of Suffocation, specifically Effigy and Pierced, jesus fuck, what heavy albums.
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Despise the Sun? l got the Human Waste Ep when it first came out.
l was more shocked when Metal Forces gave Effigy of the Forgotten 60% out 100%. And l think in the same issue gave Spiritual Healing 95% or thereabouts.
Effigy and Pierced are both 90s or higher, totally crushing and radically influential albums. Most reviewers are the most illiterate, dogshit people alive.
Effigy is a classic, but I prefer Human Waste. The production is rawer, but clearer on Human Waste, whereas Effigy sounds like a blanket is on the speakers. I still enjoy pulling out Pierced once in a great while, but Human Waste and Despise the Sun are the two Suffocation releases that I listen to the most by far
Human Waste is also my favourite Suffocation! I feel like the production on Effigy causes it to lose the bone crushing heaviness the band is going for. That breakdown in Liege of Inveracity (you all know the one) would be one of the most crushing things ever with a more fitting production job.
The new Grave Upheaval seems a little samey, it doesn't really bring much variation but I don't think anyone expected that. It's good, of course, especially if you've enjoyed the first one like me. The production is a little less muddy, in a sense that it won't probably damage your speakers if you're a reasonable person.

All in all good shit that I will be spinning some more in near future.
I really liked the first one. They really made the riffs sound “buried” but audible. It almost sounds like an erupting volcano.

I’ll have to check out the follow-up. Any differences at all that you noticed?