DEATH - Overactive Imagination (mix 2011)

Vocals and leads don't gel as well as they did.
Kicks are too loud.
Rhythm guitars are slightly easier to hear during the solos.
Re-mix is completely unwarranted.
The part where it used to have the delay "Obsession..obsession...obsession" is gone...I liked that part. It's a little clearer and obviously it was going to be louder, I already own the originals so I dont see much point in buying. On the other hand, the Human reissue has all the tracks in instrumental form, so I could make an exception there.
On "The Philosopher" they got completely rid of the modulation effect on the track´s solo. It´s not okay, cause they weren´t able to ask the Mastermind himself about that, but that´s just my modest opinion. And as you said Mike, I also miss the delay on imaginations :(
A lot of this new mix sounds really weird to me, especially the lead guitars. The "Human" remix was awesome and totally justified, but this one...not so much.
I agree, I always thought this album along with "Symbolic" were two of the best sounding deathmetal records of the 90s. They should have just remastered it, if anything.
The part where it used to have the delay "Obsession..obsession...obsession" is gone...I liked that part.

That really deserves a slap! :yell:
Such details make the songs alive...
Same as the big (at least for me) mistake with Human - See Through Dreams and Cosmic Sea not being crossfaded! :bah:

Overally, nothing to write home about. Nothing improved, anything altered just ruined the thing...
This wasn't necessary... at all. I'm not liking this at all...

They should have just remastered it, if anything.

In today's terms and judging by the latest "let's re-master everything just because" trends, I would say that would only consist of two big mountains at each end of the spectrum.
I agree, this was completely unwarranted. I'm not feeling the new mix at all. It just doesn't have that same vibe. I'm not a 100% purist either; there are times when a remix actually makes a song or album better, but in this case, definitely not. Even a remaster wouldn't have been justified to me. I thought the original was perfect that way it was.

Playing devil's advocate though, if remixing/remastering albums is what it takes to re-release them to get today's youth familiar with classic albums and bands like this, then so be it. I'm so sick of all the fucking genre-confused autotune/crabcore/metalcore/emobuttfuckingcore/letsbreakdown mashup bands, and I sincerely hope they market the shit out of these and put them in every hot topic. No, I don't want to see Death disgraced by being sold in hot topic, but perhaps making kids today aware of such good music might help snap them out of this pussy twink music they call metal.