Decline Of Western Civilization II On VH1 Classic Right Now

What a classic!!!
Odin and Wet Cherri were gonna be the biggest bands in the world!!!

How was Bill Gazzarri and the dancer of the year... "Odin, Odin.." haha. I wonder how she went getting on with her actressing!
Seduce were the best thing on there...
I have it saved on the TIVO I'm probably gonna burn it on DVD this week...

I bought that Seduce album on the strength of hearing the single ("Watchin'" or something like that). They were a great band. A good mix between metal and catchy rock. Too bad they didn't go anywhere. When I saw them on that movie (after I had the album) I remember thinking they had a future. Boy was I wrong. No idea what i did with that album.....

...but one can hear MP3s of them here:

Motor City Rock  1980-1990 - Audio - Seduce