Defeatist - Sharp Blade Sinks Deep into Dull Minds


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Defeatist – Sharp Blade Sinks Deep into Dull Minds
Willowtip Records – WT-072 – 19 May 2009
By Jason Jordan


Defeatist, a New York-based grind trio with ties to Anodyne and Kalibas, have done their fans a favor by releasing Sharp Blade Sinks Deep into Dull Minds. Specifically, the latter consists of the band’s three 7” EPs first unleashed in 2007—Mechanisms of Sanctimonious Filth split with Kursk, Thanatonic State, and In Praise of False Hope. Essentially this is a one-stop shop for all things Defeatist unless you happen to be a collector. But for those who aren’t, this’ll do just fine.

This speedy threesome plays a caustic, dirty form of grind that rarely allows the listener to surface for a breath of air. In fact, the twenty tracks elapse in under twenty-six minutes, but with grindcore, brevity is par for the course. Tempo aside, Nichols provides shrill, unintelligible screams for the duration, causing me to think of fellow Willowtipsters Watchmaker—a band equally as punishing. Moreover, followers of the Selfmadegod brand of grind should feel right at home, too, as this is about as raw, trashy, and unabashed as it gets.

While I can’t heartily recommend Sharp Blade Sinks Deep into Dull Minds for the simple fact that most grind doesn’t move me like (excellent) black and death metal, Defeatist are a commendable outfit whose songs angrily speak for themselves. Grind aficionados need apply, though need not expect anything extraordinary.

Official Defeatist MySpace
Official Willowtip Records Website