
Dec 5, 2009
I just want to say how cool it is to be a "sponsor" of Delain for the upcoming ProgPower USA show. I didn't get into this band until recently. I think I was just surfing the web.....Yes, I do appreciate most all of the other bands that will be playing, but I if you have ever listened to the music I help create for Artizan, you will know I have an affinity for the melodic stuff; with strong, clean vocals.
All of the bands will kick ass- I'm sure.

Please keep a look out for me. I will be the goofy guy wearing the Artizan T-shirt.

I would like to say, this band would probably be the #2 reason (after Kamelot, of course!) for me to attend PP this year. Their last CD was really quite good and one of my favorite of 2009. Alas, even with Kamelot AND Delain funds are preventing my attendance (and the lack of, shall we say, enthusiasm over the rest of the bill, which is only my personal preference. Having attended numerous, including last years Fates rockin' event, I have to pick and choose my years carefully based upon finances and the bands. Nothing that most folks don't take into consideration as well.)
I love's some of the best written music I've ever heard.

I'm not too keen on the first album, but all I can say is that their new one "April Rain" is one of my favorite all time albums.

The vocals are super crisp, clean, full of personality and well produced...and the songwriting is magnificent......can't wait to see them live!
All I can say is that Delain is really looking forward to playing the festival also. Here's a quote directly from Charlotte, taken from my interview with her for the fest's program:

" a band we’re very enthusiastic about it because it will be the first time we’re actually crossing the big ocean and going to America. We’ve heard about ProgPower before and a lot of bands that we know and we like have played at the festival in the past. We’ve been looking on the internet about the festival and we see that there’s really like this community atmosphere about it, which I really like. I’m really looking forward to it."
Wow. Great to see the Delain fans. Yes, their new CD is excellent. But, I think the first song I heard was 'The Gathering'...short and sweet- great tune.

I spoke with their guitarist, Ewout Pieters, yesterday. He said pretty much the same thing as Charlotte; he is stoked to be coming across "the big pond".

We would love to get over to their part of the woods after the new Artizan album comes out early next year. We'll have to see....

Melodic Metal :headbang:
I love's some of the best written music I've ever heard... and the songwriting is magnificent.....

And I think that a lot of people don't realize that Charlotte (their vocalist) writes most, if not all, of Delain's lyrics.

I just wanted to say thanks for sponsoring Delain, they're my #2 reason for coming (after Leaves' Eyes) and honestly, if Delain weren't coming I don't think I would be. :) I was actually in the Netherlands last year and wanted to see them then, but that didn't work out XD
Well, I guess you could buy me a beer! hehe
I'll have the 'ARTIZAN' shirt on.

They reside on the poppy aor side of metal, not a genre I normally would give creedance to, but the compositions are so well put together I am really digging April Rain, looking forward to seeing this band more than I initially anticipated upon their announcement.
I don't really consider them metal at all, they themselves said in some interview that they play "lush, heavy pop music" or something like that. I don't care, whatever it is I love it :)
I don't really consider them metal at all, they themselves said in some interview that they play "lush, heavy pop music" or something like that. I don't care, whatever it is I love it :)

Absolutely! I first heard them early this year. I was quite reserved at first. Then, the dynamics of the music and Charlotte's voice pulled me in....hard :)
I think Delain is the band I am most excited about this year...
I can't wait... I am very picky about the female-fronted bands I like, and Delain just nails it without being too over the top for me.
Absolutely! I first heard them early this year. I was quite reserved at first. Then, the dynamics of the music and Charlotte's voice pulled me in....hard :)

I liked what I heard when we got to see the vid for this years announcement,
and picked up both cds the next day. Looking forward to working with them, and hearing their set as well! :headbang: :kickass: