Draconian: A Rose For The Apocalypse


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
...any fans of this band here? I enjoyed the hell out of Turning Seasons Within, so I wanted to give this new one a shot. Great stuff...I like this video too!


P.S. This band would tear ProgPower apart!
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I love Draconian! Turning Season Within was really good and this one seems just as good. Only on my second spin but love it so far. Beauty and the Beast metal done right.
I LOVE this band. I will be getting this album once I get my next paycheck. They would be so incredibly awesome for an oddball. I refuse to listen to that though until I get the full album.
arcane rain fell is the only Draconian album I've heard. I like the album a lot, very slow moving and ominous. I may give them another go.
Excellent band, got 'em all save the new one, but that'll be rectified through a purchase soon. Would love to get a chance to see 'em live.
I love this album. Especially the Swallow The Sun vibe musically.

I don't have any of their previous work, is it in the same vein?
To me, "Turning Seasons Within" is their masterpiece ...... I have all of their discs, and they seem to have built to a climax with that awesome disc.....

On the new one -- I love that they made the music a little more uptempo and added more of the female vocalist...... however, I don't find this disc matching the power and epic feel of "Turning" .......

I do agree, however, that this band would slay PP ........
To me, "Turning Seasons Within" is their masterpiece ...... I have all of their discs, and they seem to have built to a climax with that awesome disc.....

On the new one -- I love that they made the music a little more uptempo and added more of the female vocalist...... however, I don't find this disc matching the power and epic feel of "Turning" .......

I do agree, however, that this band would slay PP ........

I agree..."Turning Season Within" remains my favorite. That album was my first exposure to the band as well though, which normally makes a difference.
