"Dragon Rider" by InnerSiege - 2nd Sample Release

Jeremy Ray

Vocalist - InnerSiege
Apr 25, 2011
Peoria, IL
2nd SAMPLE - InnerSiege debut album - Kingdom of Shadows

Here is another sample of the InnerSiege debut album, Kingdom of Shadows, song titled, Dragon Rider .

The song features guitar solos from both Kevin and J.L. as well as vocals by Ravn - (bass).

The album was recorded at Dark River Studios and Noise Gate Studios and Mixed and Mastered at Studio Fredman in Sweden by Fredrik Nordstrom.

InnerSiege is currently seeking distribution. No release dates have been scheduled.

InnerSiege - Dragon Rider

If you have any inquiries, You can contact us on Facebook.com/InnerSiege or you can email us at : innersiege@comcast.net

Feedback on the song is welcome.
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Folks! InnerSiege is one of the BEST tracks you will find on this year's Progpower sampler. Their track "Children Of Winter" is on track #3 of Sampler disc #1. After spinning the entire 3 disc set, we are sure you will find InnerSiege to be a "MUST GET" release once it comes out! Simply amazing work guys, keep it up!

Glenn, did-ja check these guys out?
Yeah love the other track "Children Of Winter"! Shall we get this one on my radio show too? KILLER!
Thanks guys ! It's not our most aggressive song, but it has crunchy riffage !


We are heading out to the airport now. We'll be in ATL by 1:00 P.M. I have a business meeting after lunch downtown, then I'll see you at the show tonight if not tomorrow for Day #1 !