Dream Evil = Dream Killers

@ Andy and Taylor- I'm right there with you! Dream Evil and Mob Rules were the only names I was excited about during the presentation last year. DE cancelling is as big a disappointment as I have had in a while. I too am not a fan of Forbidden, and was extremely disappointed to hear they were the replacement.
NOW, with that said.......HUGE props to Forbidden for even taking the Gig under these circumstances. I may not be a fan, but I have a TON of respect for them. I'll be watching their show and hoping they'll win me over, as I hear they are excellent Live. I must admit, I wasn't a Pagans Mind fan either until I saw them Live for the first time, and WOW did they blow me away.
There are still plenty of bands I'm looking forward to especially Dark Water, Voyager, and Creation's End.