Drum Sequencers


New Metal Member
Jan 2, 2009
I'm looking for something similiar to beatcraft, if anyones familiar. Although, I want to be able to import midi, rather than clicking/programming myself. I write most of my stuff in guitar pro, so I want to just be able to use the midi'd drums from that, use my own samples, and then maybe export each drum, cymbal, etc out of the program,and into my daw to eq or whatever need be.

I haven't really found a convinent way to program drums in protools le, and I'm not really interested in anything life bfd. Any suggestions?
That won't work because I don't want to use the built in samples, and as far I can see there is no option to select samples anywhere on my HD. I want to use my own. I'd really rather not work with plugins anyways, something standalone I'd really like better. Beatcraft is good, I remember using it a lot. I just don't want to sit there and click for five hours. I get pretty in depth drum programming done in Guitar Pro, and sampling that stuff would really be what I'm aiming for.
Fruity Loops? I know Fruity Loops kicks the shit out of Beatcraft but I'm not familiar with what you're trying to do. If you step up and learn Kontakt or something you should be able to do what you want with Reaper. Reaper probably even has it's own sample loader/player by now.
I think the main thing that would definatly make things easier is a sequencer that loads multisamples rather than having to run loads of instances of drumagog to put them on
Yeah you can load GP midi files into FL Studio. Bit of a bitch to set up initially but I think I still have a template for it kicking around I could send.

is this possible in reaper also? and please explain how to set it up in FL please, I've imported some Midi keyboard tracks into FL but those are one channel midi tracks, I can't for the life of me find out how to set up a multichannel midi drum track from Guitar Pro to work in FL
here is something i used to do. i had one of these
then i would midi out to a daw, then load a program that you can use samples. and then use the drum machines sequencer to trigger the sounds in the daw
I realize this thread kind of died, but I found somewhat of a solution. I don't know if anyones familiar with Battery, by Native Insturments, but it's pretty GOOD except for it lacks the multisampling concept. There are actually controls within the plugin itself to play with velocity. You can create some pretty convincing layers, but I'd much rather use my own actual samples. Aside from cymbals, I will probably just sound replace on the individual tracks. This was my workaround into getting my gpro drums into protools. For now, it will do. The software is relatively cheap as well.
i have a HUGE interest in that also

It involves creating a "Layer" channel and assigning each note in the keyroll at the bottom to a sampler channel. It's a pain in the ass.

Copy and pasted from a forum where I explained it a few years ago...


I haven't used it in a while, but it's sort of tricky. The way you have to do it is as follows:

Export the GP4 score as a MIDI file. Open Fruityloops, start a new blank session and go File>Import>MIDI File. Import all the tracks or just the drums, doesn't matter.

Right click on the channel that the MIDI Drums are in and select Piano Roll. Choose the selection tool and highlight all the notes in the MIDI track and hit Ctrl+C to copy. Now open gp4template.flp and right click on the "Layer" channel and select Piano Roll. Paste in all the MIDI data from the other session with Ctrl+V.

That should be the end of it and it should work fine, any problems let me know.

EDIT: Forgot to mention this but it's REALLY important. In the template, make sure you go through all the other channels labelled kikbig, snrambient, etc. and load in all of your own samples, because otherwise it's trying to play samples from MY computer and it won't work haha...The way the Layer works is that you assign each key in the layer to a different sample and it triggers all of those different channels, just like how you would program drums using a piano roll in a MIDI sequencer. Took me AGES to figure that out but I'm glad I did...very handy for programming an entire song in one pattern and copying/pasting stuff with ease..."