E3 2015


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France

Making a general thread here for all games that would get us less excited than fallout or FVII or whatever !

I'm gonna react on the couple ones that weren't mentioned already in the forum and which deserve their own threads :

- Doom
I'm both amazed and disappointed, I'm gonna give them the benefits of the doubts. It's visually fantastic, and the very very first minutes of the demo told me there is potential for playing scared running to hordes of demons. But it quickly became a slaughter fest and although the chainsaw massacre is a classic they had to remake well, they made it so freaking gory it actually feels too much, and slows down the action. Also it doesn't feel like original doom where you were practically lost in a maze, in the dark, knowing somewhere at a corner a Revenant was waiting for you because you heard it make a noise.

- Yarn
I love poetic games, and this one surprised me. First, the developer who made the conference was so emotional, like a kid, which got my attention immediately. When I saw the gameplay demo, I was amazed, it's visually impressive, and so fluid, and fits the poetic feeling of the game so much. I'm totally trying that when it comes out.

- the last guardian
Or is it the title ? Can't remember as I have been waiting for it for so long. But damn, this studio really has its style. It's Ico in probably even better. What I have seen of it is impressive both in terms of how you will feel emotionally attached to the character and it's giant pet, and in how technically difficult it must have been to program such a character in its environment. He/she feels like real, interacting with the walls, the hero, in a way that I think has never been seen before. It's all scripted of course, but so well it just feels natural.

- plants vs zombie Garden Warfare
Wtf was that ? Do people really play that in 2015 ??

- sports game
I am not a fan of sports game but I wanted to say that what they are doing nowadays is technically impressive. The one that got me is the basketball one. I don't know how they can script so many interactions between players. Then again it's just a sports game so they have been coding on the same basics for 20 years now and they have nothing else to focus on than this. But still I was surprised.
Fallout 4, if it is more like New Vegas and not Fallout 3, will be good. If it's like Fallout 3 it's a "steam sale less than $10 game" for me.

Doom IMO looked very uninspiring and boring, looked like another press X for cool stuff to happen on the screen game.

Sony's conference was outstanding, though I feel that the Last Guardian will not live up to the hype (it will end up being a Duke Nukem Forever in that it will be released but of lackluster quality, though probably a bit better quality wise). FF7 remake is nice, but I'll just get it on PC and not only that, we have no idea when anything Sony announced will come out except TLG. I think Sony definitely brought the hype though, they got people talking, though once the games are actually released hype very quickly fades for many games these days. I'll reserve my judgement and remain quietly optimistic.

The Yarn game (I forget it's title) looks really well done.

Shenmue 3, enough said.

The Horizon game looks good, same with Uncharted 4, but not enough for me to buy a PS4. I honestly don't see a point in buying any of the consoles actually when I have a PC now, many of the games are all coming to the PC and if they aren't, I am not very interested anyway.

Microsoft had some good stuff like backwards compatibility, but other than that, Gears looked boring, Tomb Raider looked boring, Halo doesn't look like Halo, Fable doesn't look like Fable, overall, not really interested.

Nintendo, lol...they really missed the mark. They had nothing.

And then EA was as bad as usual (though they do have some nice games like Battlefront, Mass Effect, and others I can't remember), Ubisoft had Jason Derulo (lol) though they do have some potentially good games (as long as they aren't open world but no content typical Ubisoft games), and Square had some nice announcements but virtually zero PC support besides FF7 remake which will probably come to the PC, though I would like to see KH3 and Nier 2 on the PC as well, but unlikely to happen.

Overall a good E3, but I feel after the hype settles people will remember it as an average one. Tons of hyperbole on the internet right now, especially with regards to Sony's conference.
What does Nintendo have other than Mario and Zelda....for the last generation of consoles at least. Anyway looking forward to Fallout4 and dishonored 2 for sure but big ol meh for doom.
What does Nintendo have other than Mario and Zelda....for the last generation of consoles at least. Anyway looking forward to Fallout4 and dishonored 2 for sure but big ol meh for doom.
So like in terms of the Wii?

The Wii was a fantastic console man! Tons of niche but fantastic games. I feel that many people who discount Nintendo these days can't see past the Wii Fit and all of the other nonsense they put out.

I mean, this is when I had a lot more free time to play games, but games like No More Heroes 2, Sin and Punishment, Red Steel 2, Xenoblade, Metroid Prime 3, Punch-Out, Zack and Wiki, Little King's Story, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Lostwinds, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Monster Hunter Tri, and many others...not too mention my favorite game last gen, the Super Mario Galaxies and of course Skyward Sword/Twilight Princess.

I think Nintendo have really good systems, especially if you already own a PC like I do. The Nintendo DS is one of my all time favourite systems, and the Wii U has some great games too (but unfortunately is on it's death bed I'm afraid). I can't wait to get a 3DS when it's a dead system (should happen soon), its library is fantastic and I'll be able to play it for cheap.

Too bad Nintendo had such a poor showing this E3!
solid e3

nintendo didn't impress, that zelda game looks fun though. uncharted 4 looks great, the only franchise that i really envy from ps4 since i'm only on pc. metal gear looking better than ever and my favorite of all was doom, nothing new from Brutal Doom but with hnng visuals
So like in terms of the Wii?

The Wii was a fantastic console man! Tons of niche but fantastic games. I feel that many people who discount Nintendo these days can't see past the Wii Fit and all of the other nonsense they put out.

I mean, this is when I had a lot more free time to play games, but games like No More Heroes 2, Sin and Punishment, Red Steel 2, Xenoblade, Metroid Prime 3, Punch-Out, Zack and Wiki, Little King's Story, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Lostwinds, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Monster Hunter Tri, and many others...not too mention my favorite game last gen, the Super Mario Galaxies and of course Skyward Sword/Twilight Princess.

I think Nintendo have really good systems, especially if you already own a PC like I do. The Nintendo DS is one of my all time favourite systems, and the Wii U has some great games too (but unfortunately is on it's death bed I'm afraid). I can't wait to get a 3DS when it's a dead system (should happen soon), its library is fantastic and I'll be able to play it for cheap.

Too bad Nintendo had such a poor showing this E3!

Only issue I have with Nintendo these days is that it seems like their big hitters go on mobile platforms while their consoles get things like Wii Fit. :lol:

But, they're also in a decent spot. Whatever they come out with, it'll practically print money for them. It just doesn't feel like they take their consoles as serious as they do their handhelds.
Only issue I have with Nintendo these days is that it seems like their big hitters go on mobile platforms while their consoles get things like Wii Fit. :lol:

But, they're also in a decent spot. Whatever they come out with, it'll practically print money for them. It just doesn't feel like they take their consoles as serious as they do their handhelds.
Yeah, I'd agree with that, especially because right now it makes more sense to support their handhelds now then it does to support their console, purely based on sales and success right now.

I honestly don't know what Nintendo will do after this gen, because if the rumors are true, their next system will be coming out as early as next year and as late as 2017, meanwhile, I don't expect the PS4 or Xbox One to be replaced until at least until 2018, even possibly later till 2019 or even 2020 if last gen is any indicator of how long the consoles will last (like seven years, so 2020 at the latest).

It's like Nintendo will live in its own little bubble, replacing consoles on a five year schedule like it used to be whereas the other two will replace only when its truly necessary...I think the revival of PC gaming had a lot to do with Sony and Microsoft refusing to replace their consoles after 2010/2011 and I doubt things will change this gen.
What does Nintendo have other than Mario and Zelda....for the last generation of consoles at least. Anyway looking forward to Fallout4 and dishonored 2 for sure but big ol meh for doom.

Splatoon is fucking awesome. Never had that much fun with a shooter since the original Unreal Tournament and Counter Strike
I have been waiting for it for almost a decade as well. They have announced it when they were working on shadow of the colossus. I am so stocked, the 5mn gameplay footage is fantastic. I'm already in love with the giant pet !
Just heard about No Man's Sky the other day. Looks interesting. How they can have thousands and thousands of planets to explore is beyond me.
try billions o_O

the thing is it is procedurally generated, which means they only program base parameters, the game randomly generates the fauna and flora whenever a player visits a new planet.
I figure the config of that planet will then be saved on a server for other players.
so basically when the game launches a very small percentage of the planets will be already defined, the rest will follow as more players visit new worlds

pretty sick when you think about it. I just hope the gameplay is on par with the tech
try billions o_O

the thing is it is procedurally generated, which means they only program base parameters, the game randomly generates the fauna and flora whenever a player visits a new planet.
I figure the config of that planet will then be saved on a server for other players.
so basically when the game launches a very small percentage of the planets will be already defined, the rest will follow as more players visit new worlds

pretty sick when you think about it. I just hope the gameplay is on par with the tech

I want to love that game, because on paper it sounds amazing, but I agree with your last point. And typically, it feels like when a developer tries to do too much within a game, they end up with this amazing idea that plays like a piece of shit.