Energy and Power Metal...


Nov 18, 2002
Virginia, USA
Does a style of music like power metal attract those that are more sensitive to energy, mediumship and new age/homeopathic medicine than other forms of metal? Any healers or mediums out there that come to PPUSA?
If you are private about it, contact me via email...
I'm interested to know, if there is a correlation.
chrissroy at hotmail dot com:)
the band Shaman immediately comes to mind. But other than that I associate homeopathic healing and energy practices more to psytrance and New age music.
I figured power metal tended to appeal to those of us who are very much into sci-fi/fantasy novels, and/or gamer geeks.

I'm pretty sure my mad tarot skills are not connected to my love of power metal.
I don't think there's much of a connection. Most of the peole I know (or know of) in this line of Work (and I don't necessarily mean as a profession/main wage earning), are not into metal. To be honest, power metal is a little too much of a certain type of energy. It can have its place, but I don't think that it will tend to attrack those people, except for that you have to be a little interested in the odd to be into both.
I figured power metal tended to appeal to those of us who are very much into sci-fi/fantasy novels, and/or gamer geeks.

I'm pretty sure my mad tarot skills are not connected to my love of power metal.

I didn't know you had tarot skills! Very cool! If you bring some to ATL, maybe you can tell me why I'm being so crazy lately ;-)

As for the connection, I'm not certain I've ever heard of many people in the "family" being into anything new age, metaphysical, or the like. Mostly just a bunch of closet (or not!) comic book, anime, sci-fi/fantasy fans. Interesting thought though!