Enhancing Opeth's Live Sound

piezo's would do it, they can be put directly under the bridge, if i remember correctly, or an acoustic sim. pedal would do just fine too, i have messed with the boss one, and it does quite well.
I dont know if anyone has ever seen Rush live, but the acoustic sim that Alex uses is FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE. I love the sound he gets from it, it sounds better than some acoustics, and since he's playing it through a PRS, I think Opeth aren't far from such great live acoustic/electric tone.

Btw, Im looking into buying a new acoustic, and I was looking at a Martin D-15, because I loved it's dark sound, but I just happened to walk into this shitty music store the other day, and I picked up a Takamine EG10C, and it is cheaper, and plays fucking beautifully, anyone own one??? ANy comments????
to get back onto the point.
I think that Leppar Affinity's idea is a fantastic one. to have two acoustic guitars on stands, one at each side of the stagefor use in the acoustic parts would be great! I mean for me personally that is something that is very much missing from thier live sound.
If it is cost of the instruments that is owrrying them, you can get some lovely acoustics for 80 quid that really do sound amazing but haha i doubt that thats really whats bothering them.
ShroudOfDusk said:
Have them bring out the accoustics and play Requiem entirely, with the Apostle intro.
The Apostle "intro" is Requiem. (see FAQ)

The method described in the first post would be impossible and/or too hard to pull off live.

I like hearing Opeth play stuff differently live. If you want to hear the album, buy the cd.
Mr. Niel said:
The Apostle "intro" is Requiem. (see FAQ)

The method described in the first post would be impossible and/or too hard to pull off live.

I like hearing Opeth play stuff differently live. If you want to hear the album, buy the cd.

Please elaborate on why it is impossible and or too hard. Ever seen the way Hetfield did Nothing Else Matters live in the good old days?? He had his fucking explorer hanging below his balls, and then an acoustic guitar up to his chin, and singing, and then when the solo came around, he'd play it on the electric, now that would be too much work for Opeth, but with the use of stands, I think it would be VERY possible. It would be like shifting mics, easing the volume of the electrics, and playing the acoustic that is all set up at perfect height.
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
I dont know if anyone has ever seen Rush live, but the acoustic sim that Alex uses is FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE. I love the sound he gets from it, it sounds better than some acoustics, and since he's playing it through a PRS, I think Opeth aren't far from such great live acoustic/electric tone.

Btw, Im looking into buying a new acoustic, and I was looking at a Martin D-15, because I loved it's dark sound, but I just happened to walk into this shitty music store the other day, and I picked up a Takamine EG10C, and it is cheaper, and plays fucking beautifully, anyone own one??? ANy comments????
takimine's rock, as do martin's, but i like takimine's more, also look into Tacoma acoustic guitars, the band teacher at my h.s. has one, and it plays vey well.
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
I dont know if anyone has ever seen Rush live, but the acoustic sim that Alex uses is FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE. I love the sound he gets from it, it sounds better than some acoustics, and since he's playing it through a PRS, I think Opeth aren't far from such great live acoustic/electric tone.

Ive seen Rush live many times, and Alex's clean tone is fantastic with his simulator. the problem with this is that Alex uses about $100,000 worth of equipment on stage any given night....it really blows Mikael's budget out of the water for versatility and options...i still think a lot of what Opeth does live has to do with financial and personal contentment restraints. If Opeth HAD the cash flow of a band like RUSH, and time for such a complicated equipment setup on stage...then it most likely would be a different story.

I think this point is valid, for all of you can see...that every tour opeth get more popular...and every tour, their equipment goes up in quality more.
Eh... Budget-wise, I don't think there's much that prevents Opeth from bringing a couple more guitars on the road, and getting one or two of the stage crew members to switch them guitars in middle of a song if the song is like that on the album.

Oh, and that thing Hetfield did made him look like a dork. I guess it works, though.
KennonKun said:
Eh... Budget-wise, I don't think there's much that prevents Opeth from bringing a couple more guitars on the road, and getting one or two of the stage crew members to switch them guitars in middle of a song if the song is like that on the album.

Oh, and that thing Hetfield did made him look like a dork. I guess it works, though.

Its not a matter of tour budget predicting if they bring more guitars on the road....its that mikael said he didnt WANT to bring them on the road if he didnt have to...hes not like most rock stars who have an arsenal of guitars, and could get a new one for free whenever he wants.
I dont know, I personally have fun with these sorts of ideas, because I think the live part of a band is just as important as making good records. I would always try to think of ways I could improve my live sound, especially when it is as progressive as Opeth's, it would just give you something to work towards. It doesnt take away from the live "fuck ups" aspect, where he may sing a note differently, or hit a different bend on a solo, but it does bring a folky sound with acoustics in the middle of a heavy song like Demon of the Fall or Godheads Lament.
Ill agree as much as the next guy that its nice to have as close to the album quality as possible on stage as well. Im just saying why it hasnt already been achieved in all cases for a relatively small band like Opeth.
Well, last tour, I saw that they had also brought along the small Laneys they used for the Damnation show, now Mike for sure had his acoustic there, since he used it for In My Time of Need, and Peter Im sure could be bothered to bring his, after this, all they would have to do is buy the acoustic guitar stands, maybe 300$ for two, and one more mic from the venue, plug the acoustics into the smaller Laneys, and they're set, I dont see what the big deal is. The enhancement to me seems to have a very cheap price, and I think it would make this band even more unique, since Ive never seen someone do this with music like Opeth's.
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
Well, last tour, I saw that they had also brought along the small Laneys they used for the Damnation show, now Mike for sure had his acoustic there, since he used it for In My Time of Need, and Peter Im sure could be bothered to bring his, after this, all they would have to do is buy the acoustic guitar stands, maybe 300$ for two, and one more mic from the venue, plug the acoustics into the smaller Laneys, and they're set, I dont see what the big deal is. The enhancement to me seems to have a very cheap price, and I think it would make this band even more unique, since Ive never seen someone do this with music like Opeth's.

Once again....Mikael says he doesnt want to risk having his acoustics get broken or whatnot. Also, many of Opeth's acoustic to distorted changes are abrupt and sudden...it would ruin the flow of certain songs to have to step back from the acoustic, then turn up the volume on the electric, and start playing, etc. Opeth's live sound is fine considering the dynamics their music has in it. If you really have a problem with it, dont go see them live.
Well, you're also not realizig that many of the ending passages of the acoustic parts, like the Moor for example, have really only one guitar playing, until the rest of the band come in, and I think that most of the abrupt changes that you described would be a problem, are mostly the other way, from heavy to clean, like in The Amen Corner, and therefore are simply a step to the acoustic, and volume down the electric with a pedal while playing the acoustic passage. I dont know, Im not blaming them for not trying this, but please stop saying that Mike doesnt want to risk his acoustic being broken, because HE BROUGHT IT FOR BOTH OF THE LAST TOURS NO PROBLEM, ESPECIALLY SINCE IT WAS JUST FOR ONE SONG ON THE LAMENTATIONS TOUR. With that in mind, if he was willing to bring it along just for the chorus of In My Time of Need, Im sure he can be fucked to bring it for every song in a setlist. I love their live show, but I think this would add much to it.