Enough of Jon Oliva already

I totally agree that this is a bit too much fascination with this guy. I know Savatage's music enough to say I find it super Broadway-esque and cheesy.

But hey, opinions are like assholes. I'm with you on this one (and with most of the unpopular views, it seems...)

Same here, I would much rather see Edguy(which I am not a fan of) but still I respect Jon.
I'll never bitch about Band X being at ProgPower because I don't like them. I'm not a fan of Pain of Salvation or Nightwish, but they certainly deserved to perform and PLENTY of people were fans of their music. I just went to the vendor's tables for their setlists, and let all the real fans get a better spot on the floor to see them. I suggest this method of tolerance for you, instead of bitching up a sandstorm. After all... the HUGE pop in the arena during the announcements says you're definitely in the minority in this debate.

"So I had my tongue up this girl's ass.... and I asked her, 'So what's your name?' "

\m/ \m/
Saw JOP last night at PP europe, Jon is THE man to entertain an audience. He's not my favorite singer, but last night was much much better than expected (and i've seen him before). At moments he's almost a comedian on stage, he even came up with a new song for us:

Hash of the Mountain King !


After that remark somebody in the audience even gave him a real joint.
Granted, I don't know much at all about this guy or his music, but come on, enough of him already at ProgPower. What was it a few year ago, special appearance by The Mountain King, then Weapons of Mass Destruction featuring Jon Oliva, and this year and next.

What am I missing?

Clearly you dont know what the fuck you are talking about. Jon is the man no matter what he does!!

Cheers to next year and "special devices" with Jon!!!
I'm a Threshold fan, and have listened to their CDs a lot, and know the stuff. So when their set on Saturday was rather 'muddy' due to the sound mix, my memory filled in the blanks, and I knew what was going on. That doesn't work for bands that I'm not familiar with - for example Virgin Steele's set was a whole lot of weird noise to me. Some of the other bands sound did get through and I enjoyed them, but on the whole it was a lot easier listening to the ones I already knew.

All of which is a long-winded way of saying I think the long-term Savatage/Jon Oliva fans must be hearing something different from me when he performs now. I only saw Jon at ProgPower V, and we left halfway through the set because we didn't really get it. (I've just looked up my blog review from back then, and I wrote "it seemed very shouty and noisy (I hope the original wasn't like that)")

Judging by the comments here, it seems like booking JOP is a good call because he has a big following, but personally I find him a bit of a turn off.
I totally agree that this is a bit too much fascination with this guy. I know Savatage's music enough to say I find it super Broadway-esque and cheesy.

But hey, opinions are like assholes. I'm with you on this one (and with most of the unpopular views, it seems...)

First of all, JOP isn't Savatage. Secondly, I recommend listening to "Tage Mahal" and "Maniacal Rederings" and getting back to us about that Broadway-esque comment. :lol:
