Everyone bring your computers to Atlanta, we could play some Counterstrike at hotel!

I sent an email out to everyone who I knew was going. I posted it at www.metal-rules.com/forum and now Im posting it here.

If we could all attempt to make it to the same floor of the same hotel, we could set up a massive LAN to play CS or other games, as well as share tons of mp3s. I can cram at least 15 people into my hotel room to play, and if others wanted to join I could run a cable through the next adjacent room.

Reply to this forum with thoughts or ideas. I will check back later tonight. - Pumpkin
Pumpkin, I was kidding with you! It was a joke son! My point was that why fly all the way to Atlanta just to hole yourself up in a hotel room and stare at a computer?

Go out and see things, do some shopping, eat at different restaurants, make a vacation out of it. Well, at least that's what I'll be doing, but I hope you enjoy Counterstrike or whatever it's called.
I live about an hour from the venue.. really big house. really nice too...

I truly doubt my parents would like the idea of you guys sleeping here, but a buncha people could hang out during the day play games and shit...