Evisceration Plague Review


New Metal Member
Aug 10, 2008

Full-length album number eleven by the worlds biggest death metal band offers no surprises. Long time Corpse fans will know what to expect from this album, nothing spectaculary creative or new about this release.

Polishing up on there technicallity and vocals, catchy hooks and memorable tracks such as “To decompose”, “Evisceration Plague” and “Skewered From Ear To Eye”, show why Corpse who are an inspiration to many , are still in the lead. Compared to “Kill”, which was more focused on the speed and brutallness than anything, this album shows an improvement, with songs like the title track showing a more tempo changing, experimental, sludgey feel to it. But when it gets down to the more speedier tracks it shows the same as most Corpse songs. Groovey riffs and gut punching drums keep this album from becoming just another Corpse album. Keeping the gore and the usual Cannibal Corpse feel this album shall not disappoint long time fans, and may even draw new fans with the catchy hooks and clean production.

A lack of creativeness or anything new seem to make this album lose its listenable value as we have heard it all before, just with new gorey title names and an occasional change in tempo. Despite this Evisceration Plague is an album long time Cannibals shall love. This album shows again why Cannibal Corpse are the top sell death metal act and shall stay on top for a long time to come.
Catchy album, Songs like Priest of Sodom and a cauldron of hate Really drew me in. I did notice the album was pretty slow tempo for the most part, But when you see george fisher Banging his head in the evisceration plague music video, you just feel fucking intense, and you see his power!