Expendables II

i think that would be the perfect motivation for you guys right now

a good getting-the-team-back-together-and-killing-the-shit-out-of-everything-in-sight story will put you in the right mood
Weren't all of you gushing over The Avengers like it was fuckin' Star Wars or something? Good movie, but holy over-hyping, Batman!

Has the litmus test for films become so watered down? So when you say this movie is "awesome", is it REALLY awesome, or do you just think it's awesome because you find Chuck Norris jokes funny and it just happens to have Chuck Norris in it? Or is it "awesome" in the sense that B-movies are awesome?
Like the film was debut at the Cannes festival or something, jesus lighten up. Like a flick with Norris, Stalone, Van Damme, Willis, etc is going to be critiqued next to Ghandi or Papillion. Take it for what it is.
Who said anything about it being an Academy Award Winner? I just asked if it really was "awesome" since people said the same thing about The Avengers, and that turned out to be simply a good, cool, funny movie and didn't nearly live up to all the hype.

Several of my friends are doing the same about Expendables 2, saying how it's just AMAZING, and they were the ones who were raving about The Avengers as well. It's like movies have gone the way of video games, where a decent, fun, cool video game is now game of the decade.

To me, "awesome", "amazing", etc. is shit like Star Wars, Alien, Indiana Jones, Braveheart, Tombstone, Big Trouble in Little China, etc...stuff that will never be forgotten and is always good no matter how many times you see it. Here, I'll let this guy explain it to you:

around 1:50

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Okay, okay. Fine. I'll go check it out. :lol:

I'm just a little bitter now after having just seen The Avengers and thinking, "THIS is what everyone was creaming themselves over?". Up to the scene in Manhattan, it was pretty boring, tbh.
Okay, okay. Fine. I'll go check it out. :lol:

I'm just a little bitter now after having just seen The Avengers and thinking, "THIS is what everyone was creaming themselves over?". Up to the scene in Manhattan, it was pretty boring, tbh.

A movie doesn't have to be Star Wars to be well above average. Come on. The movies you listed off were not just "awesome", but classics. Maybe the fact that there are so many shitty and underwhelming movies being produced, that something does tend to look better than it may be when it's not shit, but that's not always the case. It wasn't just people on this board or your friends who thought it was great, pretty much most of the critics did as well.

Maybe your expectations were too high? I went in just assuming it was going to be another super hero movie that was well done...which is all it was. What made it stand out wasn't even really the fighting either, it was the dialogue. That's not to say I didn't have issues with the plot though.
No one billed it as "well above average"; everyone said it was "amazing" and "awesome" and "fantastic" and "mind-blowing". It just got too hyped up. I just saw it and was expecting something as amazing as the first Batman, but what I got was "just" a cool movie with nice effects. Like you said, it wasn't just my friends but also the critics, so I had been waiting with baited breath for that movie to download and what I got was something on par with the first Iron Man. It's not bad by any means but the way everyone was raving over it led me to believe it was destined to be a classic. Sadly, that was not the case. The plot and story were rather bland, honestly, but the humor in it was great along with the action sequences.

I know it was an action movie and all, but after all the hype and money it made, I was expecting something like Terminator 2.

The thing is when people say a movie is "amazing" or "awesome" and they go back two and three times to see it, that tells me that it's an instant classic. What's more, all the critics were saying the same thing and people actually saw this movie two and three times in the theater. Really? I thought the third Transformers was better than The Avengers, honestly, and I never really liked the franchise that much.

All I'm saying is that people need to either understand what the words "amazing" or "awesome" or "mind-blowing" mean, or they need to raise their standards. Hell, I thought Whedon did a better job with Firefly and even Serenity. Don't get me wrong, however...The Avengers is a GREAT movie...but it's most definitely not "amazing". The Star Wars trilogy are amazing movies. The first three Indiana Jones movies are amazing movies. Top Gun is an amazing movie, as silly as it is. Terminator 1 and 2 are amazing movies. The Avengers is cool, not amazing. Avengers = cool, Terminator = amazing.

I'm just really disappointed and a little pissed off right now after having waited months to see it and expecting something totally different. Ah well, at least it was free. Now everyone's starting up again with The Expendables 2, saying how "awesome" and "amazing" it is. Most definitely will not pay money to see that one. I feel like I met one of my heroes and he turned out to be a total dick and punched me in the face.
Honestly, I enjoyed the movie a hell of a lot; but there wasn't a whole lot else to choose from when it was released either. However, I will agree with you to an extent. It's one of those movies that I enjoyed for what it was, and it's also something that I would probably watch again if the situation ever arose, but it's not something that I would go out of my way to see again. I wouldn't miss never watching it again, unlike the Batman and first two Spiderman movies.

Probably just like Expendables II. If I even bother to watch it once.
Yeah, you're right. For what it is, it's a great, fun, funny, cool action movie. The dialogue was great in it as well, but it was all Robert Downey, Jr.

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