Facebook Spam


Feb 9, 2009
Okay, so I got into a bit of an argument with someone over Facebook spam from local bands. I know that more than a few of you have "like" local bands on Facebook. A lot of the bands I've liked are notorious for spamming Facebook with the same news from 3 different accounts, every single day.

Often in badly spelled ALL CAPS.

I don't know about you guys, but I thought that sort of thing wasn't a great idea. It seemed like a detriment. I was told however, that data suggests the more you post, the more people come to your shows. o_O What do you think?

Is spamming good marketing? Or is it just a way to scare people off? I've deleted more than a few people who are guilty of spamming the $%*& out of Facebook, e-mail, ect.
I'm in a local band and we've had some behind-the-scenes arguments about how much we should be posting items. Obviously we do a little more when a gig is coming up, but IMO even once a day is too much if news isn't happening at a high pace. In my opinion a good rate is: Post when you confirm the gig. Post again one week before gig. Post again the morning of the gig. Total of three. (Any additional postings should be about relevant things like other bands being added or cancelling, venue change, etc.)

To me the only things that should be in ALL CAPS are things that are funny. Nothing says "this is not important" to me more than all caps.

I haven't deleted anyone for being a Facebook athlete (picked that term up from another board, very fitting), but I sometimes hide their posts so I only see it if I click into their profile.
as a fan, i get to the point where if you are YELLING AT ME TO ATTEND YOUR SHOW, i'm going to get irritated
if you YELL AT ME AND HAVE TYPOS, i am writing you off all together

but then again, i'm a bitch, and i have issue with customer service and public announcements that are ill-mannered and contain misspellings and/or other assorted typos.

now, i've seen bands yell and misspell in excitement - like the "holy sh!t, i just met *insert idol* and typo'd myself" - that is a whole different scenario

as for spamming in general, the more crap you throw at me, the more inclined i am to ignore you(r band) :fu: ...even if i like you and your band

but again: i'm a bitch, so take my opinion as you wish ...
(FWIW, i also ignore announcements from major corporations who spam, too - far more often than local bands/bad members)
Usually I "like" bands but then I hide them from my news feed for 95% of the bands and I have the feed actually show the updates for bands I really want to hear updates from (ie Magenta (Wales), my favorite band) so I don't really have this problem.
I think Facebook is a great way to connect with the fans you HAVE. that WANT to hear from you. As far as advertizing, the best thing you can do money wise is still get your ass on to a tour so your social media shoots into the headliners social media network. Screw the facebook ads. If it came down to it, I'd rather pay for someone's night liner for a week.
Yeah, if it's daily, it's annoying. I saw the A Sound of Thunder video post somewhere (here?) and liked you(r band) and commented. I don't believe I've seen you post since. Or maybe I have too many friends/likes and missed it.

Camden and Seven Kingdoms seem to have struck a nice balance. Every few days they tease something - a live vid, a song title... Then in a few hours or a day or so later deliver on the tease. I like that. Keeps it fresh and fun, keeps us aware without being annoying. So, yeah... I guess check the Seven Kingdoms feed. I like that. As he said, though - this mostly reaches people who are aware of you and probably already interested in hearing from you.
Yeah, I've noticed the excessive spamming on FB myself. It's one thing to post something under your band name, but to also post it under individual members is redundant and annoying, especially given the way FB tends to group things now. I have hidden people for that reason - I got sick of the constant barrage of HEY LOOK IT'S MY BAND HEY LOOK WE'RE PLAYING A SHOW HEY WATCH THIS VIDEO HEY IN CASE YOU DIDN'T SEE THE 6592 OTHER POSTS READ THIS! At that point, if I do come to your show, it's more likely that I'm there to punch you in the face than watch your band. Knock it off.
Yeah, I've noticed the excessive spamming on FB myself. It's one thing to post something under your band name, but to also post it under individual members is redundant and annoying, especially given the way FB tends to group things now. I have hidden people for that reason - I got sick of the constant barrage of HEY LOOK IT'S MY BAND HEY LOOK WE'RE PLAYING A SHOW HEY WATCH THIS VIDEO HEY IN CASE YOU DIDN'T SEE THE 6592 OTHER POSTS READ THIS! At that point, if I do come to your show, it's more likely that I'm there to punch you in the face than watch your band. Knock it off.

you only have 2 more posts until....!!!!
I was told however, that data suggests the more you post, the more people come to your shows. o_O

ask this dude for source on data plz cause that's a load of bull.

Facebook is a supplement, it is not a driving force for anything. The days of getting signed because your band has alot of online followers are long over.
Band posts once or twice a week is plenty - that's more than enough to remind people that something is going on. And if it's not local to me, PLEASE don't post it to my wall... if you're my friend, you ought to have a general idea of where I live, and that I'm probably not going to make a show in Texas or New York!
We always try to strike a balance. I understand why bands spam that much - it's easy for posts to get lost in the noise of a busy person's FB page - but we try to let people know what's up without being annoying.
as a fan, i get to the point where if you are YELLING AT ME TO ATTEND YOUR SHOW, i'm going to get irritated
if you YELL AT ME AND HAVE TYPOS, i am writing you off all together

but then again, i'm a bitch, and i have issue with customer service and public announcements that are ill-mannered and contain misspellings and/or other assorted typos.
I actually just try and post as another person on FB with the Killwhitneydead account. Instead of promoting shows/merch/downloads all the time i try and break it up a bit and i ask fans questions about movies and oddball stuff, etc. Sometimes i will be on there drunk and just spout off random stuff to show that we are more than just a band and judging by the feedback we get people dig it. It's how we built our fanbase back in 2005 via AIM convos i had with people, but now it's just more of us all chatting at once.
Facebook is a supplement, it is not a driving force for anything. The days of getting signed because your band has alot of online followers are long over.

I don't think anyone was talking about getting signed, they were talking about people coming to their shows.

Come to think of it.....

The days of getting signed...are long over.

Is pretty much where things are headed anyway.
as a fan, i get to the point where if you are YELLING AT ME TO ATTEND YOUR SHOW, i'm going to get irritated
if you YELL AT ME AND HAVE TYPOS, i am writing you off all together

but then again, i'm a bitch, and i have issue with customer service and public announcements that are ill-mannered and contain misspellings and/or other assorted typos.
Me too. Also, I loathe getting spammed. If a band spams me even just for one week, I ditch 'em. (That also goes for friends with "Causes." Sorry, tell me once in awhile but if you keep flooding me with it, you're gone.)

In my opinion a good rate is: Post when you confirm the gig. Post again one week before gig. Post again the morning of the gig. Total of three. (Any additional postings should be about relevant things like other bands being added or cancelling, venue change, etc.)
This sounds about right, and I agree with Metal Camden, you don't make new fans with Facebook, just keep your old ones informed and interested.
Young bands are going to have to be very smart and figure out new ways to do things. People who do this are going to succeed in today and tomorrow's industry.

EDIT: Along with a lot of money.