Fates Warning - Perfect Symmetry Special Edition Promo


RI Porch Commando
Oct 21, 2003
San Diego, CA
Metal Blade will be releasing a special edition of Perfect Symmetry in June. The package will include:

  • Remastered Audio
  • A bonus disc of Perfect Symmetry demos
  • DVD with over 90 minutes of live footage

or view it on the MySpace page. I will be adding it to the .com later today.

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Cool! Perfect Symmetry was my favorite CD for 1989 and a couple of the following years (until Images and Words knocked it out of 1st place). The weird thing is that I just happened to pull it out earlier this week and listened to it for the first time in a while. It is still awesome!!
When the band isn't doing anything new, might as well make a useless remaster of it and try to make money off of that!

I ask, what was wrong with the sound that it needs remastering?? o_O
I was going to post about this yesterday but I felt there would be little interest here. I will be getting this.........Great album and it will be nice to have the bonus disc and dvd!
Perfect Symmetry was my first Fates Warning CD and it remains my favorite to this day. Mark Zonder is amazing on this CD! I may have to pick this up.
AWESOME! They are finally using the New Haven Toad's Place footage. get to see a very young version of me and my friends.

This is one of my all time favorite ( and influencial ) Fates Albums.