

May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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Its snowing in DC!


Evrything is white and so nice! I love snow!
have you ever noticed how it seems like its less cold when there's snow?

I just took my Shrike for a walk in the snow and it was the first time
he has ever seen snow, it was hilarious!
he was looking at me- looking at the snow- looking at me, sniffing- looking at me again: it was like: "Karen! what happened to the world!?"
Dead_Lioness said:
Its snowing in DC!


Evrything is white and so nice! I love snow!
have you ever noticed how it seems like its less cold when there's snow?

I just took my Shrike for a walk in the snow and it was the first time
he has ever seen snow, it was hilarious!
he was looking at me- looking at the snow- looking at me, sniffing- looking at me again: it was like: "Karen! what happened to the world!?"
AAAAAAAAWWWWWWW Puppy's first snow! That rules!
The girl down the street was walking her dog, the pup seemed like he was having the best time.

It's snowing really good here right now.
Yea we got a pitiful three inches or so down in southern Maryland. Everyone here acts as if the ice age has come when we get any snow; would be funny to see what they would do if we relocated them to the NWT or somewhere akin to that.
Man, I miss snow. Ever since I've moved out to CA, the winter has not been the same. There's nothing more beautiful than taking a walk while it snows (especially at night, with the moonglow!). The snowflakes absorb the sound, and give an air of mysticism to the world in which we otherwise dont always know.

Oh god, how I miss the East sometimes.
it always rains here, its always really cold yet it never snows. its always close or something but then it never snows. argh. you're really lucky to get snow, i wish that we could just have a week of awesome snow.
I hate snow, I hate winter... I hate cold weather.
I don't have to shovel though.
though I have to be dressed like an idiot (almost like everybody else!) in layers... so, the leading thought is: god forbid I fall. I wouldn't be able to get up. plus, when walking on stairs, I stumble, as my coat reaches my shoes, and in that specific case, I step on the coat. :loco:

I'm a spring type. :eek:
Congrats karen :p

Strangely enough, it snowed here too...
You'd think we constantly get snow, but this winter we've gotten it like..... 2-3 times, and it didnt stay for long...

out to roll and frolic in the snow
Snow can eat one. I work third shift, and I often have to drive home in that shit before they clean the roads up. I loved snow as a kid, but now I view it as an annoyance.
Guerrilla said:
I bet you're not the one that shovels your driveway.

actually, I *just* got back inside after shoveling my driveway, and I dont see the big deal... I also shoveled my neighbor's drive way (because he is handicap)

Brooks said:
There's nothing more beautiful than taking a walk while it snows (especially at night, with the moonglow!). The snowflakes absorb the sound, and give an air of mysticism to the world in which we otherwise dont always know.


exactly :) thank you Brooks! hehe