Finland loses a team player


Back now...hopefully
Mar 19, 2002
Mexico city
As you all remember,Ulla was leaving for Switzerland,and if my memory doesn't fail me,she is there as of today.
So let's all wish her our best regards here ok?
Have fun there dear :Spin: :wave:
I hope you have a great time there dear and if I have the chance to I'll go visit you in Switzerland.
Sorry I didn't call to say goodbye
Just check to make sure you ended up in SWITZERLAND Ulla... and somehow didn't get turned around and end up in say..... Burkina Faso? ;)

Hab teh fun. :wave:
@ Manuel: it's ok! and please do visit me!!!!! DO IT MANNY!! DO IT!!

@ TB: pfft :p

@ Rus: :wave:

@ Spike: yep, i'm pretty sure :p at least there's Alps here, everyone speaks German in a weird way, and i see Swiss flags everywhere. and cows and sheep :D OMG i'm in the capital of Switzerland, but there's cows and sheep everywhere <3<3<3 this place rules.

@ Loli: hi! i'll try to :p
Well, it's good to hear that you are NOT, in fact, in Burkina Faso. ^_^ Did you get your 'care package' yet? And did you actually get your hands on a legit copy of it in Helsinki? If I am lucky, one store in Aus seems to have picked up copies already, but it's going to cost me alot. :erk:

I hope your having fun. :wave:
I'll try to visit you Ulla.
I have heard wonderful things about Interlaken and I wanna go there.
Plus,my next european trip was going to be more to the mainland,France,Italy,Spain,Netherlands,Portugal,and now that my friend is in Switzerland I get the chance to see her as well

but you must come before march, cause in the beginning of march i'll go live in Helsinki with Mimmu and Joppo and the new baby <3 :) and Filip the ultimate dog in the universe

Spike said:
Well, it's good to hear that you are NOT, in fact, in Burkina Faso. ^_^ Did you get your 'care package' yet? And did you actually get your hands on a legit copy of it in Helsinki?
yes, thank you, yes :) :)
Oh then I guess I won't be visiting you in Switzerland.
I don't think I'll have the cash by march,plus I wanna go to Canada in February