First Videos of Kamelot live with Fabio Lione


Aug 1, 2002
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I'm now convinced that the reason you couldn't hear Khan sing at past shows was because he couldn't.
Here is my assessment of this:

I am a Kamelot fanboy for the most part. I think they are the pinnacle of what the Prog/Power genre has to offer--the truly elite. And Khan's vocals have always been a large part of that equation. When all this singer drama first started (pre-last year's ProgPowerUSA) there were a ton of haters saying that there was no Kamelot without Khan. Khan is one of my favorite vocalists, both with Kamelot, Conception, and his guest spots.

However, what this shows is that the strength of Kamelot is not solely or even mostly based on the strength of Khan as frontman and vocalist. It is based on the fact that the music is truly transcendental art. Thom Youngblood has written tunes that rule. When they are sung by someone with the pipes to sing them, they sparkle.

For one, Fabio did an outstanding job here. He doesn't "sound like Khan", but he doesn't "sound like Rhapsody" either. Great performance. What I honestly think now is that if Kamelot has to carry on with a different vocalist, they will be just fine. And I trust that if they can find a permanent replacement, that whoever it is that is chosen will be thoughtfully picked and will do just fine.

Also, goddamn, "Don't You Cry" is awesome live. Why hasn't this been a setlist staple like Karma and Forever???
I'm excited to watch these later. I think fabio is a fine singer but I just had a hard time imagining him with Kamelot. I'll hopefully have a chance to watch them tonight.
Wow, his version of Don't You Cry is pretty fucking excellent. I am looking forward to the Oslo show (that is supposedly going to be filmed) even more.
I guess the only thing that is disappointing about this is that they aren't doing any Rhapsody songs. I was really hoping they would do at least one -- Land of Immortals, Village of Dwarves, I would have taken just about anything. Still though, cannot wait to see this show now!
He couldn't. Which is a shame, because when Khan's voice was on, it was fucking ON. But more often than not, his voice failed him, which made me a very sad panda. :(

+1 I think that is why the band has kept quiet about Khan. Even they realized that he just could not do it anymore. Hence why all the silence.

As for Fabio: He is OK, I just feel that Kamelot needs a voice that sound more distinct. Fabio comes off like he does on Rhapsody, which in some songs, it is OK. But, I find Kamelot to be a bit darker, hence the vocal style as well.
Wasn't sure how this would turn out, but DANG Fabio sounds great in Kamelot. Like Palabra said, he doesn't sound like Khan but he doesn't sound like Rhapsody. Well done!
I was hoping it would be otherwise, but I still have the same problem with Fabio that I always have. Vibrato abuse. Way too wide for my tastes.

That's just a personal quibble though. He does the songs justice. I wouldn't vote for him to be permanent, but as a filler, he's a good choice. Still would like to have seen them go with Mike, but I can guess why they didn't.