for katatonia fans...

May 27, 2002
Jonas from katatonia (of course) will be part of a live online chat (hosted by DJ Zerohour) this Saturday, September 13th, on Seismic Radio ( The time of the chat is 2 to 6 PM EASTERN TIME or 20:00 to 24:00 CET.

here are the directions to chat and listen to the dj's music:

To join the live chat: go to and then go to the chat

Or use IRC (server: and channel: #seismic).

To listen: you need Realplayer.

If you download Realplayer from that link (and only that link), you can
listen to Winamp through the Tara plug-in.

here is the press release:

this saturday on seismic radio ( between 2 and 6 PM EASTERN TIME. Here are the guests that will be in our live chatroom:

Jonas from Katatonia!!!
members of Winter's Bane (I will be playing their new demo as well)
November's Doom (and possibly a new song)
Possibly Darkness Remains
Twelfth Gate
and possibly more

You will hear music from these bands and

new edge of sanity
new iron maiden
new mercury rain
new aeon spoke (paul masvidal and sein r, formerly of cynic)
and much much much more...

I thought I should mention this, enjoy.
Yeah, I just read it on the site half an hour ago. Novembers Doom are gonna be there too? SWEET!
sounds great! CET is the time in Central Europe, not the time in UK, right??
I have to go out on Saturday night...but if the chat ends before 21.30 maybe I can listen to it...
Do you know if there is a way to record it? someone can do it?
Did anyone record it ?

I was at a friends's band rehearsal and didn't get the chance to come to the chat, I did get that night a copy of For Funerals to Come for 8 dollars though :D
Is everything about money for you, Cael?? :p

The chat was damn good, and Jonas was quite good at avoiding some of the... weirder questions. ;) He also agreed to do it again sometime so don't be too annoyed if you missed it.
@Rusty: Money or not, I enjoyed the chat. It just would have been nice to know the answers to some of the... weirder questions :p

And how hard is it avoiding them (questions)? It's not as though it requires a great deal of skill :D