For the 2 of you who like The Gathering..

I have to imagine that more than 2 people on these boards like them. I'd imagine a strong number like/liked The Gathering.
I didn't mean two literally.... As you can see by the response this thread got, not many people care :p

Honestly, the forums have kind of been slow for a month or two now as a whole. Unless it's a Glenn post or something directly involving PP, there's only a handful of threads with more than 10 posts. Though I also think that there's not so many people into The Gathering (and fewer that like anything newer than How To Measure a Planet)
I meant to watch this the other day but haven't had a chance (can't watch it while at work). I saw The Gathering a few years ago but I'm still mad I missed out the last two times they toured here, especially now that Anneke is gone.