For those who are following such things: Latest Game of Thrones previews


Señor Member
Mar 25, 2003
Cleveland, OH USA
From HBO:

Iron Throne teaser trailer, January 16, running time 1:00

Invitation to Westeros featurette, February 19, running time 3:30

Iron Throne extended trailer, February 27, running time 1:40

Plus, from HBO and Access Hollywood, you can see Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) talk about swordfighting as a little girl (and a lefty!), as well as Sean Bean's (Ned Stark), Peter Dinklage's (Tyrion Lannister), Emilia Clarke's (Daenerys Targaryen), and producers Dan Weiss and David Benioff's musings on the project so far. Running times: 1:33, 4:30, 4:09, 3:56, and 5:02, respectively. *Minor* spoilers.
For those on the flip side, an awesome pissed off blog:

Finish the Book, George

While I enjoyed the first book (Well, as much as you can enjoy a book where many bad things happen to good people.), I don't get much encouragement in reading any more from what people have said.

The TV series might offer more closure for fans than George does at this point. How long has it been since Feast Of Crows came out?
While I enjoyed the first book (Well, as much as you can enjoy a book where many bad things happen to good people.), I don't get much encouragement in reading any more from what people have said.

The TV series might offer more closure for fans than George does at this point. How long has it been since Feast Of Crows came out?

I enjoyed the first 3 books can't remember if I read the 4th. We are going on 6 years now since the 4th book came out and no time frame for the 5th.
The trailers are awesome. I wasn't even bothering to get remotely excited about this whole thing, but now that it seems like it's really happening, I'm a giddy little school girl about it.

The blog is awesome...just so blunt and disgruntled. GRRM has totally lost it, and lying to his fans about his work over the past several years hasn't helped either...such a fucking shame to send such a brilliant creation down the toilet.
While I enjoyed the first book (Well, as much as you can enjoy a book where many bad things happen to good people.),
The first book really got me hooked on the series (which I thought was going to be a trilogy :Smug: ). I've bought and read all the others, but seriously, are any of the characters you root for going to live? Just when you get over the elimination of a key figure and learn to like another, pffft! They're gone. I just wish he's wrap the whole damn thing up already. Yea, I'll buy the next one, but only if it's the last one.
The first book really got me hooked on the series (which I thought was going to be a trilogy :Smug: ). I've bought and read all the others, but seriously, are any of the characters you root for going to live? Just when you get over the elimination of a key figure and learn to like another, pffft! They're gone. I just wish he's wrap the whole damn thing up already. Yea, I'll buy the next one, but only if it's the last one.

There are two more books planned after the current one.
The first book really got me hooked on the series (which I thought was going to be a trilogy :Smug: ). I've bought and read all the others, but seriously, are any of the characters you root for going to live? Just when you get over the elimination of a key figure and learn to like another, pffft! They're gone. I just wish he's wrap the whole damn thing up already. Yea, I'll buy the next one, but only if it's the last one.

I'm pretty sure he kills off characters to prove he can do it, at this point.

"Every time you ask when A Dance of Dragons is going to come out, GRRM kills a stark."

Saw that over on Livejournal. Someone had it as their icon. It rings so true.
As with Robert Jordan, I think George R.R. Martin has kind of gotten into a rut with his stories. He's following a pattern. I enjoyed the book, but I kept feeling like I was watching a fantasy soap opera. If you've ever seen a soap opera, you know what I mean. The characters will struggle for long periods attempting to overcome several difficult situations. When they finally conquer one, threee (give or take) really, really bad things happen.
And THAT was awesome. As you'd expect from Neil. :worship:

True, and he has a point. Thing is, tho, Neil wrote that nearly two years ago, and a new book still hasn't come out. Given that this is an ongoing story, you risk that people will stop caring and not be there when you finally have a book.

And people worrying that Martin will have a similar fate as Jordan are warranted.
True, and he has a point. Thing is, tho, Neil wrote that nearly two years ago, and a new book still hasn't come out.

GRRM has been involved in an assortment of other projects, while trying to get out of the corner he painted himself into plot-wise. I'd rather wait while he gets it right, than have him slap out something lame just to satisfy everyone getting pissy about the delay.

I'm also probably going to subscribe to HBO just for Game of Thrones...
Well then there's THIS

2011 looks to be the year to break the drought


While I am incredibly hopeful that ADoD will be out as soon as claimed, I'm inclined to agree with Glenn.

Then again, the book HAS to come out sometime. And why would GRRM, knowing the trouble he is already in, suddenly agree to a deadline like this if he wasn't AT LEAST finished with the Meereenese Knot?

Sorry, but all you Negative Nellies can suck it. :p