Fret wear on my guitar


Mar 16, 2009
Escondido, Ca
So im torn and thought maybe the forum could help me decide on what to do.

I have a Japanese Stratocaster with Scalloped frets and lots of other custom shit. The frets are really worn down and they need to be replaced.

So i can either;

1. Re-fret the guitar for $300
2. MAYBE level the frets for $100 (Delaying the problem)
3. Buy a custom neck from Warmoth ($400 installed)
4. Get a neck off ebay.

Anyone ever got a custom neck from Warmoth before or have any advice on what i should do?

personally i would get a custom neck from warmoth....have never bought one but they look like nothing but the best quality and you can get exactly what you looking into get a warmoth neck for my schecter c4 xxx bass which has the stupid stripper inlays on the neck
I had a similar situation a few months ago with my Ibanez Jem built in 1989. It was going to need new frets in a while. So I just ended up buying another newer guitar and selling the Jem. This turned out way better for me in the money department.

What it all comes down to is how import your guitar is to you. I thought I couldn't live with out my old faithfull, but I infact took to the new guitar instantly and think it is superior to my old one now.
Make sure you get SS frets next time, they last a lot longer. In fact, my SS fret guitars still aren't showing wear after years of use.