George W. Bush Part 2- There are some wussies in this forum

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
Since I noticed there were some wussies whining about the George W. thread, therefore prompting the moderator to lock the thread, I figured I would initiate Part 2, for those who want to continue the argument... after all, this IS America isn't it?


Feel free to respond to any part of the first thread right here. Or if you want more discussions, click on the link at the bottom of my post, which will direct you to the Mainstream Resistance forum, where we don't frown upon political discussion and free exchange of thought.

Keep the metal flowing...
Strength Through Numbers

Papa J
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Free exchange of thought is welcome here as well, but insults and flames are not. Discuss what you wish here, but the minute the discussion degrades into flames & empty profanity, it will be shut down, with the blessing of Mike Romeo and the band.
I have nothing but respect for Mr. Romeo and the band, don't get me wrong. But I've seen more threads shut down on this forum than any other. To me that does not represent a free exchange. What you consider an insult, one may consider a compliment, and vice versa.

If one can't handle disagreement and an occassional temper flare, then maybe one shouldn't post. Or read posts for that matter. Geez, what is this.. don't say that, you might hurt someone's feelings....:lol:


Part of the humor is in reading the idiocy that comes out of some people's mouths or off of their fingertips for that matter. Quit taking yourselves so fucking seriously.

Pretentious if you ask me.

And oh yeah,

George W. Bush is an imbecile.

..just so that I stay on topic. :D
Seems like every message board I am on are being ruined by these kind of threads..... Fun, to see the places you like go down in flames.

Do not, and I repeat not complain about our complaining!

Take a look at the forum, Syx-fan. How many political threads are there? Two. Two fucking threads out of a host of others. Yet you have to show up in every single one and complain, complain, and complain about us discussing a sensitive matter that affects you, Symphony X and the rest of the world. If you do not like these kind of threads, then simply not read them!!! Only a select few respond to them anyway, to kill your argument about the threads "spreading a bad attitude throughout the board". You may want to make this a <<<cAsTlE Of fUn>>> where everyone gets along and post about how much they like stuff, but unfortunately it isn`t that kind of place. Thanks to Lady of the Oracle for not thinking it is either. With that said, I expect NOT to see you whine and complain in this thread.
Lady: There was one person that made the discussion degenerate into flaming and blatant insults. That one person is Bobby. He is a fanatical right-wing bully that has sent a slew of insults towards me and liberals. I suggest a ban to get rid of him, read his posts in the old GW thread if you don`t believe me...
Would most definitely agree... in regards to Bobby.

And props to the Lady for not closing this thread. Much respect.

I think this is a topic (GWB) that should be discussed openly as we are getting ready to commit to a war, killing many innocent people in the name of "freedom" i.e. listening to your metal..

They say it's to fight terrorism, I say it's oil. They don't care about those people, they aren't trying to liberate anyone..

It's all a powerplay.
Send a private message to Mark (the king of UM) (or an e-mail to & let him know your thoughts on Bobby, & include links to the offending threads. He's the only one who can actually ban users from UM, even as senior staff I don't have that power.
Originally posted by Harp Heaven
Lady: There was one person that made the discussion degenerate into flaming and blatant insults. That one person is Bobby. He is a fanatical right-wing bully that has sent a slew of insults towards me and liberals. I suggest a ban to get rid of him, read his posts in the old GW thread if you don`t believe me...

Please go ahead and "ban" me. I can see you crying to your daddy right now. "Daddy, OnlineBobby is hurting my feelings... He's making me look like the little bitchboy that I know I am..... WWWAAAAA!" And daddy's response - "Well son we will just get rid of him." Go ahead and prove my point you commie fuck.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D :D
Originally posted by Papa Josh
Would most definitely agree... in regards to Bobby.

And props to the Lady for not closing this thread. Much respect.

I think this is a topic (GWB) that should be discussed openly as we are getting ready to commit to a war, killing many innocent people in the name of "freedom" i.e. listening to your metal..

They say it's to fight terrorism, I say it's oil. They don't care about those people, they aren't trying to liberate anyone..

It's all a powerplay.

WOW! A liberal with no job.......What a novel concept.

PLEASE!!! Someone ban me - before I make this bitch cry also.

Bobby - "Representing the silent majority"
This is the shit that gets threads locked or deleted. There are enough forums out there that are an embarrassment to the bands they represent, I will be damned if I am going to let this board get to the point where I'd be ashamed to have the band come read it.

As I have said countless times now, debate your conflicting opinions all you want, but you'd damn well better do it with respect, or you can take your opinion elsewhere. I don't think that's so much to ask.
Originally posted by Bobby
WOW! A liberal with no job.......What a novel concept.

PLEASE!!! Someone ban me - before I make this bitch cry also.

Bobby - "Representing the silent majority"

It'll take a lot from a wuss like yourself to make me cry. If only you could see how really ignorant you make yourself look... and in the case of people like yourself, the moderator is correct.
Originally posted by Bobby
WOW! A liberal with no job.......What a novel concept.

PLEASE!!! Someone ban me - before I make this bitch cry also.

Bobby - "Representing the silent majority"

:err: No wonder why the world is so fucked up :lol:
I think it goes much deeper than liberal or republican. I also know that we might all not want to admit to the true reasoning for invading Iraq, or trying to keep North Korea compliant, or any of the other major "power plays" the Administration is pushing for, but for the good of humanity, would any of you want them to have the kind of power they want?

Yes they tell us why they're doing it, and we don't buy it all, but as the strongest nation militarily, is there any other course of action?