Gold badges on ebay


Mar 29, 2002
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Does anyone know if anything about the GB gotten off ebay has changed? If I recall correctly if you got them off ebay you were put on the list and the seller was taken off the list.

I need to know about this before I decide on what to do about this year’s progpower. I’m going to transfer to Uni after the summer so I’m going to have a lot less cash and lot less free time. If I can buy the badges on ebay and get back on the list it would be great for me. This would allow Glenn to go ahead and get his money and allow me between now and the September to come up with the money to buy badges from someone else.

Any info would be appreciated.
It is a very *rare* exception where I allow Gold badges to be sold on ebay because I will not allow the seller to profit.

If you do buy a gold badge via whatever method in the future, you are indeed buying rights to the badge in the future.

Glenn H.