Grammy Awards

This has become an interesting stereotype; if you like Metal, your criticism of all other forms of music is invalid, because you're clearly a knuckle-dragging, mindless, death-to-false-Metal Manowar fan. It's even more interesting that this stereotype was born and exists within the Metal community. Jason's critique of the Grammy Awards was succinct and well worded. It didn't mock anyone for enjoying Pop music, nor did hold Metal up as being superior. Yet, it was met with a mocking retort of "Hail and Kill bubba".

If someone enjoys Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, the Black Eyed Peas, etc., more power to them. Hell, I love my old Duran Duran CDs. However, don't act shocked and indignant when your posts on a Metal board, about Pink's glorious performance, are met with a raised eye brow.

Lastly, if an intelligent discussion about the Grammys is what's desired, that's fine.
  • We can discuss the demographics of it, and delve into the fact that the only element that defines Pop music is its appeal to the lowest common denominator.
  • We can debate the financial aspects of it, given the consolidation within the music industry, and debate whether it's any longer even a genre of music or simply a large marketing campaign, whose ultimate goal is sell HDTVs and Coca Cola.
  • We can talk about its societal impacts, and how its glorifying of auto-tuned, would be strippers, creates unhealthy body-issues for little girls, and furthers the stereotype that beauty and talent are inseparable.
  • We can deliberate what it says about the American culture, that the only way truly talented people, like Andre Bocelli and Elton John, can get five minutes of our precious TV time is by performing with the likes of Lady Gaga.

Great response, Zod. I know my last paragraph I posted earlier might be harsh, but I just don't find that the Grammys truly award the most gifted musicians. I like lots of music that isn't metal...a lot. But, outside of a select few at the show, most of the nominees/winners aren't what I would call the best in music which is what the show really should be about...not who's the most popular.
[*]We can deliberate what it says about the American culture, that the only way truly talented people, like Andre Bocelli and Elton John, can get five minutes of our precious TV time is by performing with the likes of Lady Gaga.[/LIST]Zod

And you're assuming that someone like Lady Gaga has no talent. Dislike her music and/or persona all you want but the woman behind all of this is an extremely talented person.
This has become an interesting stereotype; if you like Metal, your criticism of all other forms of music is invalid, because you're clearly a knuckle-dragging, mindless, death-to-false-Metal Manowar fan. It's even more interesting that this stereotype was born and exists within the Metal community. Jason's critique of the Grammy Awards was succinct and well worded. It didn't mock anyone for enjoying Pop music, nor did hold Metal up as being superior. Yet, it was met with a mocking retort of "Hail and Kill bubba".

If someone enjoys Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, the Black Eyed Peas, etc., more power to them. Hell, I love my old Duran Duran CDs. However, don't act shocked and indignant when your posts on a Metal board, about Pink's glorious performance, are met with a raised eye brow.

Lastly, if an intelligent discussion about the Grammys is what's desired, that's fine.
  • We can discuss the demographics of it, and delve into the fact that the only element that defines Pop music is its appeal to the lowest common denominator.
  • We can debate the financial aspects of it, given the consolidation within the music industry, and debate whether it's any longer even a genre of music or simply a large marketing campaign, whose ultimate goal is sell HDTVs and Coca Cola.
  • We can talk about its societal impacts, and how its glorifying of auto-tuned, would be strippers, creates unhealthy body-issues for little girls, and furthers the stereotype that beauty and talent are inseparable.
  • We can deliberate what it says about the American culture, that the only way truly talented people, like Andre Bocelli and Elton John, can get five minutes of our precious TV time is by performing with the likes of Lady Gaga.

I think this needs to be inducted into the ProgPower Forum Great Posts Hall of Fame.

Jason's critique of the Grammy Awards was succinct and well worded. It didn't mock anyone for enjoying Pop music, nor did hold Metal up as being superior. Yet, it was met with a mocking retort of "Hail and Kill bubba".

As Glenn pointed out, he used the word "sheep" when referring to pop music. Unless Jason *really* loves sheep in a way he hasn't shared with the rest of it, I'd say it was mocking.

If someone enjoys Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, the Black Eyed Peas, etc., more power to them. Hell, I love my old Duran Duran CDs. However, don't act shocked and indignant when your posts on a Metal board, about Pink's glorious performance, are met with a raised eye brow.

You're contradicting yourself. At the beginning of your post, you decry the stereotype of the metal fan that only likes metal, but then you say that anybody that says something good about Pink should expect whatever they get when they post on a metal board. Sorry, you can't have it both ways.

In any case, I *do* expect raised eyebrows (although it's usually more like a raised middle finger) from some people if I say something good about Pink. Why? Because too many people around here (and by "here" I mean metal boards in general) actually do fit that stereotype you mentioned to a "t". It doesn't bother just lets me know who to ignore.

Lastly, if an intelligent discussion about the Grammys is what's desired, that's fine.
  • We can discuss the demographics of it, and delve into the fact that the only element that defines Pop music is its appeal to the lowest common denominator.
  • We can debate the financial aspects of it, given the consolidation within the music industry, and debate whether it's any longer even a genre of music or simply a large marketing campaign, whose ultimate goal is sell HDTVs and Coca Cola.
  • We can talk about its societal impacts, and how its glorifying of auto-tuned, would be strippers, creates unhealthy body-issues for little girls, and furthers the stereotype that beauty and talent are inseparable.
  • We can deliberate what it says about the American culture, that the only way truly talented people, like Andre Bocelli and Elton John, can get five minutes of our precious TV time is by performing with the likes of Lady Gaga.

"The only element that defines Pop music is its appeal to the lowest common denominator"? Oh, and you helpfully let us know that was a fact before you posted it. Your defense of your metal brethren is falling flat, my friend, and everything you wrote in your list above is a stereotype as well.
"Sheep" didn't mock anyone?
I suppose it mocked the people who follow blindly. :loco:

Look, the reality of Pop music is, it stops being Pop(ular) music when the herd stops following. Jazz would be Jazz if only five people listened. The same can be said of Blues, Classical, Metal, etc. However, Pop can't be Pop without it appealing to the masses. Which isn't to say everyone who listens to it falls into that category. It's only to suggest that "sheep" isn't a completely subjective description.

The "intelligent discussion" is clearly aimed at me.
In truth, my use of "intelligent discussion" wasn't so much a shot at you, as it was a springboard for my burning hatred rant on Pop music. Read on...

Props on the awesomely sarcastic asshole reply though.
OK... so here's the irony. I meant to delete that whole bullet point section. Once I posted it and had a chance to reread, I saw how it came off. However, the good Reverend had already quoted me, so I figured the window for deleting it had closed.

Do I believe every word I wrote? Yes I do. I'm not backing down from any of it for a second, as I believe every word of it. Was this thread and the use of "intelligent discussion" a poor segue for my rant? Most definitely.

So, to sum up... yeah... that's me in all my unabashed, sarcastic, Pop-hating, assholey glory. :danceboy:

Unless Jason *really* loves sheep in a way he hasn't shared with the rest of it, I'd say it was mocking.

Well, so much for this thread NOT getting personal.... :rolleyes:


I NEVER stated that pop fans are all sheep.
Though, pop music, more than any genre, has the most number of fans who like those artists because that is what is force fed to them, either on TV or the radio, hence the term "sheep"

Sure, there are music fans more "in the know" of underground music like us who might enjoy pop music.

These awards don't cater to that kind of fan.
It caters to those who are more concerned with PINK's ass cheeks than anything else.

Crap, the vid Glenn posted was taken down already. :mad:

I heard a lot of chatter about this, wanted to see it since I was working last night....

p.s. LOL'ing at the 3D comment.......:lol:
Sorry, but the Grammys have more buy-ons than an OZZFEST gig.
How can anyone take this crap seriously?

I find it extremely offensive when Judas Priest wins (Finally) for a live rendition of a song that appeared originally on SIN AFTER SIN. I find it offensive that Motorhead won the grammy a couple years back for a Metallica cover. I find it offensive that Slayer won a couple years back for a throw away b-side that was included as a bonus track in a re-release.

I'd think for one to be so offended by something, that would indicate one takes it pretty seriously. Not a jab at you, but just something I've noticed in general.
I'd think for one to be so offended by something, that would indicate one takes it pretty seriously. Not a jab at you, but just something I've noticed in general.

It's simple cause and effect.....

Due to my offense of how the heavy metal catagory has been handled, I can not take the Grammys serious.
LOL yeah right, Jason.

Though out of the two of us, I guess I'm more likely to cut a pop album than Al. Apparently all my voice is suited for is Abba-esque pop vocals anyway. Now...all I need is to learn how to write catchy hooks, and lyrics that the mainstream will enjoy. Given that I have no skills in writing music or lyrics whatsoever, this is going to be a bit of a challenge...

I think I'll just give up and stick to bad karaoke, instead.
You're contradicting yourself. At the beginning of your post, you decry the stereotype of the metal fan that only likes metal, but then you say that anybody that says something good about Pink should expect whatever they get when they post on a metal board.
Actually I'm not; you're misreading what I'm saying.

Metal fans, like any collection of people, are a diverse group...
  1. Some like only Metal
  2. Some like Metal and Jazz
  3. Some like Metal and Blues
  4. Some like Metal, Blues, Jazz and Classical
  5. And some clearly like both Metal and Pink
However, if you extol Pink's virtues on a Metal board, it's reasonable that groups 1 - 4 might bust your chops. Yet, groups 2 - 5 don't fit the "Metal only" stereotype.

I thought the Bon Jovi performance was lame. With they would have given "Prayer" a lil of the edge and flare that it had back in the day. They should have performed "Shot Through The Heart" (off the first album), "Always Run To You" (from 7800) and "Lay Your Hands On Me", now that would have been amazing! Lol, back to reality.

Shocked that Megadeth did not win for "Head Crusher". As much as I love Priest it makes no sense for them to win for that song.

Wish that AC/DC would have beat Green Day in the hard rock televised award and that Nickelback "Burn It To the Ground" would have beat AC/DC's "War Machine" in the non televised best hard rock song.

Gaga/Elton, Mary/Bocelli and the ending rap was all enoyable except they had their censorship going for too long so that got annoying. Funny that Kanye West wasn't there for his verse in "Forever" but I heard the Grammy's wouldn't have him.