GREAT WHITE Rhode Island Nightclub Fire video

I remember going to Riley's the weekend following this incident. I went to see Kataklysm / Dying Fetus.
Anyhow, they limited the number of people inside the club as a result of the Great White incident, only allowing maybe 200 (or less) in. We were denied entry as it was deemed SOLD OUT.

Many clubs do indeed pack it in to the limit.

Riley's was notorious for doing this.
I think of many shows I went there where if there was a fire, that would have been it!

After this happened I automatically thought of a few times at Rileys when it was definitely beyond capacity, two of them were In Flames and also seperately Arch Enemy when they first got Angela on dog barx. Both those times you were literally on top of each other inside. Thank God nothing ever happened.

And every time I saw that Great White show footage I get physically sick to my stomach. Getting burned alive is probably the worst way to go ever.

I also remember about a year later reading some mag about the anniversary of the fire, and about the survivors. There were quite a few people that were so severly burned that they never could work again, and their medical bills were through the roof. Somebody has said in the interview that they (survivors) got no more assistance from the state government because it wasn't in the news anymore. They had said since they were just dumb rock fans that they weren't worth getting any other attention. I found that statement a bit far-fetched but also a tad bit sad.

The whole thing was a fucking tragedy, and even though both the club and GW were negligent, I thought more of the blame should have gone to GW. Who the fuck lights pyro in a dinky-ass club like that? Jack Russell should give half (or more) of the rest of his life's income to the survivors for that stupidity.
I found myself with a headache after watching that video for the first time.

It doesn't surprise me at all that us locals all thought of Riley's when we watched the vid. The place was rather unsafe at times. Between the times people tried to sell me cocaine in the bathroom to the time that a gang beat the crap out of a guy in the parking lot, that place was a dump and I do not miss it one bit.

I'll never bitch about the Pearl Room again. :)
I told the story before.
The only time a promoter "dicked" me was at Riley's! :lol:

It was a fun place to play and see a gig.

There are actually a couple other bars in Aurora now doing metal shows.
I told the story before.
The only time a promoter "dicked" me was at Riley's! :lol:

It was a fun place to play and see a gig.

There are actually a couple other bars in Aurora now doing metal shows. and orbweaver can hang out. She can talk about Al and you can talk about how you were in a band. hahahahahahahahahah
It's not like I name drop the band.
Just bring it up in relation to my experience with promoters and certain clubs in particular.

Pate's heard my stuff.
He knows how much I rawk!
It's not like I name drop the band.
Just bring it up in relation to my experience with promoters and certain clubs in particular.

Pate's heard my stuff.
He knows how much I rawk!

go to Wikipedia and look up "Stage Presence". there is a reason you post here all day and are not on stage.

hahahahahahahaha zing!
Ok, I am going to stop this right now.....

Bob's ex was actually very cool.

Their differences were their differences.....

I will cease this joke right here..
(Until the next time at least!)