Guild Wars 2 @ Gamescom 2011


Sep 14, 2006
I wish this game was out now already, it looks awesome!

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Looks like it's gonna be good! My husband wants me to get into it, but I've got an addictive personality.. and I've already promised myself to another.

I was a big fan of Guild Wars and played it for about 2 or 3 years. I might pick this up except the fact that I don't have a gaming computer (just a cheapo laptop with onboard graphics) and don't really have the desire to purchase a new desktop computer as my last one's motherboard died about 2 years ago but it sat unused except as a network server for about 2 years before that.
I never finished Guild Wars. The last few missions on one of the.. campaigns are they? where you fight like the last of the bosses were a real pain in the ass when playing solo w/ heroes/henchmen... can't remember which campaign it was though. This was similar to when I just gave up on the final boss of Gears of War where after like 30+ attempts in one session (multiple sessions attempted) and I still couldn't pull it off. I might pick up Guild Wars 2 but I don't want to get too addicted to it.
Bumping this thread to let everyone know that I recently put up a Guild Wars 2 fansite.

I know there are a lot of MMORPG and gaming fans in general on this board so please stop by and check us out. I strongly believe Guild Wars 2 will be
the MMORPG that finally has a good chance of toppling WoW for the crown.

There are many topics to discuss however that are not Guild Wars 2 related on the forums.

I am in no way a professional web designer and do this in my spare time, it is still a work very much in progress as I am finishing and adding new content daily, so feedback, suggestions and constructive criticism are appreciated.

Thanks again.