guitar schools?


I am a leaf on the wind
Sep 18, 2006
Everywhere and nowhere
Just curious if anyone knows of any schools you can go to, and just do intensive learning. I have free time on my hands for the next few months, and would love to spend some time learning the guitar, but don't really have a lot of resources here. I've tried doing it by myself and not done very well.
I don't know what MI or RMA (Musician's Institute in CA, & Raleigh Music Academy) have to offer, or where you're at, but I'd thik those would be the 2 biggies to look at, unless I've been living under a rock.....
I did the Berklee Guitar Sessions a while back (the year 2000). It's a week-long camp-type thing where you go to Berklee, live in their dorms, take classes, have hosted jam sessions, see performances (my session included Vinnie Moore) etc. and run around on your own during the off-hours. It was pretty fun and affordable way to really immerse yourself in guitar for a short time, surrounded by other players who are serious about guitar too. My roommate was a bluegrass player from somewhere in the south who was AWESOME and he picked up some of the stuff we learned much faster than I did. I also roomed with a cool, chill blues type guy. There were plenty of rockers around as well.

Since I'm a drummer, I'm somewhat curious about Drummer's Collective in, I think NJ. I don't know any of the details - how it's run, how long it lasts, etc. I think Jason Rullo is an alumnus.
there are also players who offer online sessions live, I know my friends Steve Smyth and Jeff Loomis do. Contact them or one of your fave players and ask them if they do online lessons.

GIT and MI in CA are great.
IA has a camp, lots of guitar camps out there. Just find out that fits your time frame. You probably go open up any guitar magazine and find somewhere advertisements for various gamps what have some celebrity ax player attending.