Gus G is Ozzy's Man

Gus G. is better as a solo artist, not being someone else's pawn. Ozzy (most likely Sharon) will get mad with him and spit him out in a few months. It will only tarnish Gus G.'s image. I think this is a huge mistake for Gus.
This would be an awfully hard gig to turn down if you're Gus G. He'll reach more people than ever, and also be able to make more money than ever. Firewind will probably benefit from it as well as they will get more exposure.

Am I interested in seeing Ozzy, or hearing new material? .. not really.

Yah, I could see how touring the world with Ozzy, getting tons of exposure in the USA for being his new guitarist could be a bad career move... :lol:

Musicians need gigs to eat if they want to play music for a living.

Frankie Banali summed it up best one Thanksgiving night when I saw him drumming for Faster Pussycat. I asked him "what the hell?" he replied "drummer's gotta eat".

I think a lot of people, need to look past their own somewhat elitist views of how people in the music industry should run their lives. Until you've tried it, don't condemn a guy for essentially putting some more food on his table.

Being a fan is cool, but how many of you would literally pass up a chance to play for Ozzy if you had the talent to do so?
I disagree with all the statements thinking this is a bad move for Gus. Gus and Firewind will get exposure from it and I think that the new album will be good, at least musically. I'm interested to hear it.
This is the best thing that could of ever happened to Gus, and Firewind for that matter. Regardless of OZZY and his failing vocals, Gus is going to #1 get paid well to be the amazing guitarist he is, #2 get the recognition he deserves, #3 be set for life from here on out.

I don't think he would have been able to achieve any of these things only being in Firewind. Congrats to you Gus! :headbang:
I see your points regarding exposure for Gus G. and Firewind. Not to mention the money he'd be making. I'm just afraid that Ozzy (or Sharon) will treat him like crap and kick him off the tour half way through. If you read the Blabbermouth statement, he pretty much kicked out the previous guy without even giving him a phone call. Not a way to treat people IMHO.
I know for a fact that this is not 100%. He's gonna do the gig with Ozzy, but he hasn't yet joined the band. This is a test.
If Ozzy ( Sharon that is ) will let Gus do what needs to be done this disc could be a monster. Like most, I have grown tired of Ozzy's burnt out state being used as a marketing tool. But no one can take his important role in metal history away. Thankfully i got to see him back in the day with Randy Rhodes which is still in my top 10 shows of all time. But 26 years ago Ozzy could still move on stage:lol: If this happens, and Gus joins Ozzy's band I am looking forward to hearing what comes out of this. Ozzy and Sharon need to understand that if they don't put out a disc with the feel of his first few recordings it will be total endgame for his music.
mëtålspëd;8493119 said:
You sound kind of jaded Dave :)

Ozzy only churns non-guitar positions. I cant wait to hear Gus with him.

Yeah, definitely interested in hearing Gus inject some new life into the old dog, I may be naive but I'm expecting great things from this. We'll see...