Half way through the year - best album so far?

Scourge of Malice said:
Hey hey, the new Amorphis hardly deserves to be shit on.... but the fact that he pissed on Runn is rediculous for sure.

The new Amorphis was lots better than Ruun, though both albums were pleasantly average at best. Some of you people are very strange
well I agree that Enslaved's album is definately up there...it gets my vote. Dont' know why everyone's so impressed with these new "prog" bands...the newest Paatos sounded pretty uninspired imo.

out of everything I bought this year Enslaved's Ruun is the only one that sees consistant playback. everything else was pretty much.."hmmm this is alright" then I never put it on again.
Prognostic said:
yeah theres a bunch on my list i havent checked out yet but the ultra hi-fi fuzz guitar + one man band is getting old

most black metal is pretty terrible. without seeing your list, i dont want to spend the time brain storming. if youre familiar with:

wolves in the throne room
deathspell omega
blut aus nord

then youve got about all youll ever need.
oh yeah i forgot to add abigor and nortt, but i was hoping you'd mention something similar to wittr or weakling. not necessarily the same sound, just the more innovative approach
Prognostic said:
oh yeah i forgot to add abigor and nortt, but i was hoping you'd mention something similar to wittr or weakling. not necessarily the same sound, just the more innovative approach

dont you think if there was something as good as those, i would have mentioned it? thats like saying "there must be another metal band as good as Opeth...right?......right?"
well you were certainly hush-hush about some post rock bands in the past. besides, this is a much larger forum than the other one and its hard to keep track of whats going on because of all the traffic.
Prognostic said:
well you were certainly hush-hush about some post rock bands in the past. besides, this is a much larger forum than the other one and its hard to keep track of whats going on because of all the traffic.

the only other band i really think is cutting edge and ahead of its time along with the wolves and weakling albums is dodheimsgard. theyre on another level of sophistication and musicality than just about any other black metal band i can think of (at least with 666 international). but youve probably already heard them.

i wont recommend any other lesser known acts...none of them live up to weakling.

edit: i lied.

Ludicra - Another Great Love Song
Lurker Of Chalice - Self Titled

both of those are worthy. but you cant do much better either.
while NOT like weakling. but something else i would definitely recommend, for its maybe the most bizarre "black metal" band you will EVER hear...

Meads Of Asphodel

a former hawkwind guitarist in in the band. as well as keyboard work from mirai of sigh. theyre from the UK, and they incorporate everything from middle eastern flourishes, to folk, to space rock, electronica, to post rock, to old school black metal, to classic and traditional doom. very "out there" but id say a very important and relevant band right now. do look into them. quite tasty...assuming you aquire the taste.