Happy Holidays


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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My wife and I are headed to Tucson for a week with family, so I'll be away from computers generally speaking. Anyway, a happy holiday to each of you, whatever you celebrate, and a sincere wish for peace in the new year for all.
Happy Holidays to all !!!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all my UMOS brethren!:kickass:

I'm on vacation/holiday until after the first, so it all officially begins today for me. Got some beer chilling in the fridge and a very good friend(wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more)coming over later and we're gonna kick off the holidays in fine fashion.:headbang:

I'll raise my first Samuel Adams Winter Lager to my UMOS family for your happiness and health to the rest of this year and next, as well. CHEERS!:kickass:
Happy Holidays to my Old School Friends! :headbang: Hopefully the new year will bring me more time to come back to UMOS more.
hope everyone had a safe and wonderful holiday! My UMOS family is the best! I miss you all and can't wait till we will raise our glasses together!! HAPPY NEW YEAR BE SAFE AND BE CAREFUL!
Happy New Year, I'm not quite awaken (the wonders of sleeping medication + alcohol) so typing is the most energetic thing I can't do right now :lol:

NP: Time Requiem - 'The Ashen Soul'