Having a hard time with my re-stringing. Helps meee

Tommy Evans

Jul 19, 2011
Colorado Springs, Colorado
For the life of me I can never get a good looking restringing technique. Can anyone point me to some good articles or videos about it or explain to me how you personally do it?

I can do it, it just doesn't look as tight as it should and I need help perfecting it.
Ibanez guitar manuals are available online, make sure you practice on a shit guitar, are re-stringing a floyd rose floating trem bridge??
I do the same as in the video except I make it 2 or 3 twirls around the mechanic, by fixing the string length to the length to the mechanics + twice the length between two of them. If you do that, and turn your machine head, you'll end up more or less with what you want, you just have to help the string sit nicely with a the index of the other hand.
I've always found that the more twists/twirls you use, the more it can slacken during playing, mine mostly 2 twists twirls on guitar, on bass 1-2 depending on the tuning...
I work at a music store and learned from a veteran GTR tech of 30+ years. Usually 2-3 wraps is sufficient for a Guitar, bass....eh, about that same.

Other than that, it's just doing it ENOUGH times that you finally get it correct! probbaly most important part is cutting the strings to length correctly before winding onto post...

I like to go a tuning machine and a half ABOVE the actual post/string i'll be wrapping when measuring... snip, and start wrapping. VIOLA, if measured correctly you should quite often have 2-3 wraps almost 95% of the tim....
Just read my ibanez manual, its says 2-3 twists around the pole, allow 5-7cm of string (from the pole) to get that many twists
I like to go a tuning machine and a half ABOVE the actual post/string i'll be wrapping when measuring... snip, and start wrapping. VIOLA, if measured correctly you should quite often have 2-3 wraps almost 95% of the tim....

this is important for vintage style slot head tuners, i had to figure that one out and it fucking sucked cutting a string too short!
always does =D if im doing a service restring for a customer i've done this many a times by confusing the string and what post it belongs to.

i'm a lefty and get shit like that mixed up ALL the time....our tech area is setup for a right-handed person, hahaha..

luckily all i have to do is go to the box of single strings, find the gauge i fucked up and VIOLA =DD
I install my strings backwards on my Ibanez tho

Not a single wrap lol
It's honestly a pleasure to change strings this way, and it's so stable.
^ Thats your opinion then fair enough, I dont have to agree
but if you hav links to the proof that fuck all winds around the pole is better then I would like to see
It's just common sense; the fewer wraps, the less chance for string slippage (also gotta do the little loop thing to pinch them down, that first vid posted by Staytrue is exactly how I do mine) - case in point:


And as for length, I just cut the slack off after they're tuned to pitch ;)