HELL YEAH e-mail I recieved. (mainly for Americans, but all comments encouraged)

ZANEX said:
Sorry if I offended anyone with this e-mail. Especially Tee, Pyrus, and General Zod because I highly respect all of your opinions.
No problem Bro. I'm no where near politically correct enough to be offended. I think that a lot of us have felt the emotions, from time to time, that are expressed in that e-mail. However, I think whenever you feel that way, you have to step back and realize just how fucked up things become when we cease to tollerate each other.

This isn't in the e-mail, but it was on South Park (it is actually a good point). It is about hate crimes. They say that Hate crimes should not be enforced, because all crimes are hate crimes, if you hurt someone for sleeping with your wife, that is a hate crime. If a white man kills a white man, that is a hate crim. Just because someone is black, gay, mexican, etc. doesn't mean they need special protection, that is just enforcing that everyone is different because of their race, sexual preferences.

Some points in the e-mail I agree with, but some went a little too far.