Hello everyone!


Listening to some promo's right now! Hail the gods of heavy metal for getting me an internship on the metal show at the campus radio station. I get free promos to review!

This week, I have:
Shadows Fall - The War Within
Metal Church - The Weight of the World
Falkenbach - Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty
Rhapsody - Symphony of the Enchanted Lands II
Leaves' Eyes - Lovelorn
Amon Amarth - Fate of the Norns
Nightwish - Once

Best part: they all rule in their own ways. Kinda diverse collection, and not everything that I would normally listen to, but I got some nice surprises.

I guess I could have posted this elsewhere, but why not here? Thanks for the welcomes :)
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Welcome Sins... thats cool about your internship.. is radio your career aspiration?
No, but it's something I always wanted to do in college. I'm going to be an engineer, so I doubt I'll ever be able to do it after I finish school. So I'm enjoying it while it lasts. The show is on tonight/tomorrow morning from 12am to 2am central time. You can hear it from anywhere (using a Realplayer stream :erk: ) by going to www.wtul.fm and clicking on Listen Live. If you're awake and want to request, you can IM the station at WTULmetal.
what kind of engineer? audio engineer or civil,electrical, etc.? I'll try to check out the show but this computer sucks.. will be getting a new one soon...
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
what kind of engineer? audio engineer or civil,electrical, etc.? I'll try to check out the show but this computer sucks.. will be getting a new one soon...
Heh, should have specified. Biomedical engineer with a focus in tissue engineering and biomaterials. Basically I want to work with biologists to regrow organs from donor cells, or create artificial organs to mimic the natural processes.