Hello määnniskokids!

well what to say... i´m just the new bassplayer checkin´ out the forum! coool stuff =)
Well dude, welcome I guess. :D

Just too bad this forum is mostly dead.

I have tried to get a reaction, but I have failed.

Miserably ;)

Soooo, when are you guys coming to Holland again? I will definately 'helicopter bang' again. ;)

Yeah it´s sad theres hardly activity around here =)

maybe whe can toghether make some discussions and get this forum up and running again?=)

i have no idea... i don´t think we now next gigs yet =)
SanderThomas said:
Big question here is: Will you be able to pronounce "Amaran Heersch!" the next time you guys are playing in the Netherlands?

good question there! : ) what does it mean?=)
Sinderella said:
We'll teach him ;)

Niklas, sounds like a great idea. Gimme suggestions.

hmm now when i say it i don´t know what i talk about hehe. But i have an strong appetite for Pizza right now... damn i´m hungry