Hellspeak ft members of Machines of Grace, Shadows Fall and Meliah Rage


PPUSA Facebook *****
Nov 8, 2008
Hellspeak's debut ep pulls from all across the metal spectrum to create a powerful and fresh sounding record. Elements of modern and classic metal, Swedish metal, thrash and prog all are brought together seamlessly and unrepentantly to create this monster that can only wear one label: metal. Vocalist Marc Lopes shifts effortlessly from vicious screams to air siren howls to soaring choruses, guitarist Matt Leff serves up crushing and instantly memorable riffs with massive tone, and the rhythm section of Chris Rapoza and Shadow's Fall's Jason Bittner nail it all together with surgical precision. The songwriting, musicianship and production on this recording stand up to anything in the metal scene today. It's not easy in this day and age to create a record that is undeniably metal without sounding rehashed and derivative, and that is exactly what Hellspeak have done. 5 stars all the way.
Intense new METAL band featuring Marc Lopes ( MELIAH RAGE, DARK DAY SUNDAY, METAL:101), Matt Leff ( MACHINES OF GRACE) on guitars,Chris Rapoza ( MACHINES OF GRACE ).....and Drummer Jason Bittner ( SHADOWS FALL, TOXIK, BURNING HUMAN )

Artists We Also Like
Iron Maiden, Helloween, Shadows Fall, Soilwork

Kick Ass Ep :headbang:
A little old school Metal mixed with a little Thrash :kickass: