Hephystus - Malice In Wonderland


Sep 21, 2004
and your new favorite band is.......

These guys were at the Pathfinder Metal Fest and Totally slayed. Well worth a listen
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Hephystus takes their rightful place as one of the most gracious acts and ridiculously solid acts that have been booked into a Pathfinder Promotions event. They combine melodic infectious passages with aggression, skill, and perform with absolute precision. The guys are brilliant on and off stage. Special thanks to Jim Pridgen (sp?) for the suggestion and sponsorship to help get them down to play PMFIII.
Do they have an album out with the new tunes? I didn't see any info about it on their various pages.

They played a new song at PFMF and word was that they're heading into the studio next month. Beyond that I think its just the one album (that appears to have been released at least twice).

They totally ruled the stage on Saturday, kept drawing folks in the through the whole set and apparently completely sold out of all the CDs they brought after they finished. (And that's not a knock on the other bands that played Saturday, they ALL did a great job)

I have no doubt they'll be back in Atlanta again so everyone who missed this show should absolutely check them out the next time they play. I honestly don't think they'd be out of place on a ProgPower stage, they have that good of a sound and stage presence.
A few years back I was telling these guys they needed to target this audience. I even took a disc to Lance for them under my suggestion. Well the disc had no contact info on it, because most bands seems= to always look over the obvious:rolleyes: Anyway Lance contacted me months later asking who the CD was and wanted to get in contact with them; I passed the info even suggested that the guys might really go with it but they did not seem be interested or listening. Actually they seemed like one of those bands who knew best...
Think there eventually was a CD but looks like it went pretty much unseen,
Well it be nice if the band has matured a bit I always thought they were really good just needed the right audience and never thought the hardcore one was it. Well I leave it at that.
They seem like a totally different band to me than what you described. Maybe they were just busy or had something going on that made it seem like that at the time, but they were some of the coolest most respectful guys we've ever worked with.

I guess every band has their day(s).
They seem like a totally different band to me than what you described. Maybe they were just busy or had something going on that made it seem like that at the time, but they were some of the coolest most respectful guys we've ever worked with.

I guess every band has their day(s).

For the first time ever, I agree with J. Golden and leave it at that. Musically though, I do like them. They basically do the clean side of Trivium better than Trivium if you ask me.
Not sure what seemed implied by what I said about the band; I purposely did not mention my thoughts from talking with them. Though most of them seemed like ok guys. I did think that a singer/frontman would have been a good touch; the guitarist/singer was fine and did the job but something was missing. And he was stiff as a board, but this was a few years ago now.
From what I understiid they came from a hardcore background and was basically focusing on that scene and well it just did not seem like the right area for such a band but that was my opinion.... They are a good band, I'll leave it at that.
GREENSBORO represent. I tried to help these dudes promote their CD at progpower a few years back, they chose not to do it. hahaha, silly kids. here is scoop on the album:

1) first version self released
2) second version remixed with new bass tracks added (i believe) and released via some other label (Lou Gramm's label in US or something)
3) my band's guitarist has tracked two new demos for them.

that is the latest information i have. i haven't heard the new version of the album, but i own the CD of the first.
GREENSBORO represent. I tried to help these dudes promote their CD at progpower a few years back, they chose not to do it. hahaha, silly kids.

My experience with them and thoughts exactly. But hey maybe they will fit in with the progressive metal folk even better than I thought.
Oh and the band's returning of favors is class... ok I'm going to leave this alone now.
Ya know guys, bands can do a lot of changing in three years time. Though I'm sure if they're like a few other people on the forum they probably took your 'advice' as more destructive than constructive. You don't exactly have the best way of saying things the way you want your words to actually mean...despite any well-mannered intentions you might have had.

And before a big pissing contests starts, I don't mean any of this as a 'you suck' thing...its just an observation of how your communication seems to come across at times.
Ya know guys, bands can do a lot of changing in three years time. Though I'm sure if they're like a few other people on the forum they probably took your 'advice' as more destructive than constructive. You don't exactly have the best way of saying things the way you want your words to actually mean...despite any well-mannered intentions you might have had.

And before a big pissing contests starts, I don't mean any of this as a 'you suck' thing...its just an observation of how your communication seems to come across at times.

I'm sure Matt like myself makes a habit of saying to a band, "hey man let me help you out for nothing because I certainly don't have other things I could be doing".
I simply offered to hand their disc off to someone who may have and did like it (I passed it to Lance). After he contacted me to inquire I mentioned to those kids and they wrote it off. That was not advise that was simply helping out a green band by passing them to and appreciative audience. But hey bought wits are best if you don't pay to dearly.
I know the can change and even grow up and I'm sure they have, wish them all the luck in the world.
I'm sure Matt like myself makes a habit of saying to a band, "hey man let me help you out for nothing because I certainly don't have other things I could be doing".
I simply offered to hand their disc off to someone who may have and did like it (I passed it to Lance). After he contacted me to inquire I mentioned to those kids and they wrote it off. That was not advise that was simply helping out a green band by passing them to and appreciative audience. But hey bought wits are best if you don't pay to dearly.
I know the can change and even grow up and I'm sure they have, wish them all the luck in the world.

Well I could certainly relate to that in the sense that in my old band the guys seemed to have notions that we'd go after the BIG PRIZE and luck out on the bigger labels. I'd say as a whole we had our expectations way above what was truly attainable at our level during that period of time.

Over a course of a few years our tune changed dramatically as well as our minds opening up way more. Sometimes it takes the right amount of experience with the right kind of people to take advantage of any opportunity no matter how small it compares to the 'big' world out there....

Its intriguing how our experiences are so different on the band. My experience on Hephystus can be summed up as nothing but positive and i think they have what it takes to attain something BIG in my strongest opinion.