Here's a thought, wonder is there any chance?


Formerly Ulster Mosher.
Ok, ideal situation. It looks as though the reunion tour is going ahead. I'd love to see Armoured Saint in support, then half of Thrax's set with the original lineup, half with the new lineup. Everyone gets up at the end and jams on Ball of Confusion, and hammers out a few covers. Everyone is happy, no-one is left out, and that would be one hell of a gig in my books. I suppose I can dream.
does sound a good idea but if they are doing a one of reunion show id rather just see a whole show of Belladonna singing his own material
this would be of course the second best possibility (the first one would be LEAVE JOEY AT HOME!!!!!!!), but this will not happen. Anthrax will try to convince their fans that Bush era didn´t exist, which wouldn´t be that difficult as I can see.