Hey, GHOST fans/haters, check this out...

Holy Shit!

This really goes to show you how kind of nuts that dude has to be - because it's not like people would know who he was if he walked around without his mask and costume. The show was at night after all. Dude takes his character way too seriously haha. Even Colbert goes out of character from time to time!

You have more insight into this than we do - so I'm really curious: do you think that has to do with the fact that they were performing in a country in which 64% of its population is Catholic or was it just the performance in it of itself that people didn't like?

They were given the wrong slot, it didn't help. They played to a mainstream audience, not many people knew them. They went on right before the headliners (Metallica and Alice in Chains)...

But they got some decent exposure as well. They made the cover of Rio's biggest newspaper the day after the show.
Different strokes and all that. The new Ghost is by far my favorite release of 2013.

I can see how people wouldn't like Ghost. I love them, but they're an acquired taste I'd say. Having said that, I'm very surprised how popular they've gotten.

I'd say it's my second favorite release this year next to Paradox.