hey im looking for ppl to hang with at PPVII

AngraRULES said:
You're gonna have a good time at ProgPower with all of us who're older. Just dont be afraid of talking to people.

And soon you will learn that hanging with your mom at PP is very cool. I wish I could bring mine. But considering your age now, I understand this comment.

this is my first...i am 2 years younger than he. (14).

i cant wait man, i hope yall will show me around a bit- i been hearing how great and open everyone is! im coming with my parents, (and my guitarist and his uncle/aunt but not going down together), and darg :headbang:

im so excited man, especially to see thomen!!! YYEEESSSS
No-Mercy said:
this is my first...i am 2 years younger than he. (14).

i cant wait man, i hope yall will show me around a bit- i been hearing how great and open everyone is! im coming with my parents, (and my guitarist and his uncle/aunt but not going down together), and darg :headbang:

im so excited man, especially to see thomen!!! YYEEESSSS

If you don't come up and say hi to me, I'll be seriously pissed. ;) Even if I am technically old enough to be your mother.:err:

Glad you (and so many others) are making it to ProgPower for the first time. It's really a great experience.

I think he was the one we were going to hang by his underwear if he got out of hand..... :D You'll get to meet Pierpont & whomever else is coming from OC as well.....We'll drag him over to you Shaye, if he doesn't go willingly.....

All in good fun,
I remain,
Mean Ol' J-Dubya
caex said:
What? My mom comes to shows with me, and I will be 21 this October. It's a good thing she will go with you, as opposed to not allowing you to go at all.

I am happy to say that my mom likes the music, and loves going to ProgPower.

Bad Girl Tess said:
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! My mom too :) I wouldn't know about pp if it wasn't for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang:

Heh... quotes like these make me chuckle... just imagining my mother at a metal concert... her reaction would probably be equal parts utter confusion and sheer terror... lol
Sumeet said:
Heh... quotes like these make me chuckle... just imagining my mother at a metal concert... her reaction would probably be equal parts utter confusion and sheer terror... lol

lol, my mom would probably just cover her ears and roll her eyes at most of it... although she *did* ask me to play her some Tad Morose and Bloodbound the other day... that was cool enough for me. She was really impressed... she says "you can tell there are actually words he's singing." :lol:

Think about my daughters, aged 18 and 13. They have a Dad(ME) that is a sponsor for one of the bands at PROGPOWER USA VII the priemier metal festival in the world, and this same dad took them on a 600 mile road trip to see NIGHTWISH in 2004, and to see GREEN CARNATION in March.
Bad Girl Tess said:
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! My mom too :) I wouldn't know about pp if it wasn't for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang:

And I am proud of how musically open minded my girls are too. Not all kids give what their "Mother listens to" a chance like you girls do, well at least 2 of you anyway. :worship:

and now it's in the DNA :) I am sure Christopher will attend PPXVII


lady_space said:
lol, my mom would probably just cover her ears and roll her eyes at most of it... although she *did* ask me to play her some Tad Morose and Bloodbound the other day... that was cool enough for me. She was really impressed... she says "you can tell there are actually words he's singing." :lol:


Ha! See... my mom's partially deaf. Honestly truly wears hearing aids deaf. But she's a librarian and a big believer in freedoms, so she just smiles and nods at my music choices. (She made me play her some System of a Down last year, since she's a HUGE fan simply because she's also Armenian-American like them) If she came, she'd turn off her hearing aids, put in ear plugs and just enjoy the rhythm of the music....

... but I'm SO not planning on inviting her anytime soon. :tickled:

Sarah :)
lady_space said:
lol, my mom would probably just cover her ears and roll her eyes at most of it... although she *did* ask me to play her some Tad Morose and Bloodbound the other day... that was cool enough for me. She was really impressed... she says "you can tell there are actually words he's singing." :lol:


I can't WAIT to meet your mom in May Shaye !!