Hey long hairs!


Feb 27, 2002
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Do you guys ever get your hair caught in your headstock or have it dampen the strings? :err: Luckily I have short hair that never gets in my way or causes me to be mistaken for a guitarist. :lol:
My hair's either never been long enough, or down enough for that to happen to me. But the day it does happen will be a great day in Metal history. :D
My hair never got in the way of my strings (on the fretboard) but has gotten caught on the end of the string sticking up out of the tuning gear on various guitars. Never happened with a reverse headstock. That never bothered me much anyway. The biggest thing is it getting caught in my mouth while trying to take a drink of water/beer between songs.

RobbM said:
did anyone see that clip of Dragonforce when Herman Li got his hair caught in the bassists headstock live during a concert?

You know your metal when you get your hair caught in other people instruments!!!:headbang: :

hahah, found the vid, here it is..it happens right at 3:00..


That's great. I was watching an Yngwie video where he did the cigarette in the headstock thing and kept waiting for him to throw his guitar behind his back and catch his hair on fire. :kickass:
My hair is just about below my eyes, and i part it, so it isnt real bad. It kinda looks like EJ's haircut. I plan on growing it to about my nipples.

It was completly buzzed about 5 months ago...
cro4eva said:
No but I have lost a pick in my hair whilst on stage once! Quite embarresing
That's nothing. I once lost a guitar in my hair. It's true, ask my bassist. (If he ever comes back.:mad:)
Never had problem with hair while playing. The only thing that comes to my mind is while sleeping my hair tends to get stuck under my body and arms. I can't lift my head up unless I free my hair. :D

Dragonforce sounds quite bad, especially the singer.