Horrible news for Iron Maiden and ALL black metal bands:


Jul 19, 2002
Las Vegas
Cool story from BWBK.com --

Adjust Your Demonic Numerology; Beast’s Real Mark Devalued To 616 [Hot Flashes - 05.05.05 15:30:24]

Chris Wattie of The National Post has issued the following report:

Satanists, apocalypse watchers and heavy metal guitarists may have to adjust their demonic numerology after a recently deciphered ancient biblical text revealed that 666 is not the fabled Number of the Beast after all.

A fragment from the oldest surviving copy of the New Testament, dating to the Third century, gives the more mundane 616 as the mark of the Antichrist.

** see the whole article here:

Not surprising. Bruce is always messing up the theology. In "Road to Hell", he says the road to hell is full of good intentions.

No, it's PAVED with good intentions.
Mattias of the Night said:
I think any black metal band using the bible as a reference guide is rather poserish.

Hmm, this might actually be a serious post, which would imperil your sacred troll status. Best be careful!

In theory, a 'black' metal band is by definition Satanic; since Satan is an invention of Christian theology, use of the Bible as a reference guide is implied.

It gets more complicated, though... Many Skandinavian bands who are classified as BM aren't so much satanic as they are anti-Christian -- they don't worship Satan, but they're annoyed at Christianity for supplanting their old beliefs (Norse or pagan).
Pellaz said:
Hmm, this might actually be a serious post, which would imperil your sacred troll status. Best be careful!

In theory, a 'black' metal band is by definition Satanic; since Satan is an invention of Christian theology, use of the Bible as a reference guide is implied.

It gets more complicated, though... Many Skandinavian bands who are classified as BM aren't so much satanic as they are anti-Christian -- they don't worship Satan, but they're annoyed at Christianity for supplanting their old beliefs (Norse or pagan).

Oh ok. My bad!

How come there are no cool agnostic bands out there? With lyrics like "I am unsure about god. I have no strong opinion one way or the other as to his existence. Rooarr, I am EXTREME!!"
Mattias of the Night said:
Oh ok. My bad!

How come there are no cool agnostic bands out there? With lyrics like "I am unsure about god. I have no strong opinion one way or the other as to his existence. Rooarr, I am EXTREME!!"

There are alot of agnostic prog bands...well I mean mine kinda is...but I don't know of any extreme bands that are
How come there are no cool agnostic bands out there? With lyrics like "I am unsure about god. I have no strong opinion one way or the other as to his existence. Rooarr, I am EXTREME!!"

Probably for the same reason that there aren't any power metal bands that write songs about NOT wanting to slay dragons, and wanting to make peace with False Metal.
Mattias of the Night said:
Oh ok. My bad!

How come there are no cool agnostic bands out there? With lyrics like "I am unsure about god. I have no strong opinion one way or the other as to his existence. Rooarr, I am EXTREME!!"

Hmmmm..... Well, there's Graveworm, who might be the world's only Christian black metal band.....

...No, that wasn't a typo, either. :Spin:
Hmmmm..... Well, there's Graveworm, who might be the world's only Christian black metal band.....

... would be, if they were black metal. :)

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