How to get that John Sykes tone?


New Metal Member
Oct 23, 2013
I've been messing around on my Mesa Mark V for a while and I've mostly been using Petrucci's settings on this amp. But for the longest time I've been really wanting to dial in this mans legendary tone. I just haven't been able to get it.

Something similar to like what you hear on the "20th Century" album.

Anything that can help would be greatly appreciated.

my setup is a Mesa Mark V running through a Mesa 4X12 with V30's. And I'm using a Gibson Midtown with a Burstbucker 3 in the bridge and a burstbucker 2 in the neck.
I think the sig John Sykes model uses Gibson Dirty Fingers pickups, and I would assume he used marshall amps.

ah here is some gear info:

I remember reading somewhere he used mesa's during his time in Whitesnake and with blue Murder. Glad to see that was right haha.

To me It sounds like he's got mids up and bass turned down? and reverb added. I've actually been deciding for a while about picking up that Edwards John Sykes LP.
The secret is what frequencies you hit the preamp with.. basically its about boosting everything below 200hz and above 800hz.
A Rat pedal gives that kind of sound when you have the tone set in its brighter position, or if you use plugins you could try my basic VST: (Its not really great, but it should point you in the right direction at least.)
The voicing should be set pretty high with twang somewhere in the middle to achieve that sound with a les paul.. and he uses ALLOT of gain compared to most players out there.
I don't know if this is of any help, as I don't have a real Mark III to confirm this...but here's some info I dug up a couple of weeks ago over on the Mesa Boogie forums when scouring the internet for the same thing you're looking to get "that" Sykes sound. I kind of used these settings as a starting point with a really good freeware Mark III ampsim I found (during my research). With EQing, adding a very slight chorus, and some reverb, I can get pretty close. It would be even closer if I could actually play like Sykes. lol Hope this helps:

"Sykes never said that he used one but I get a sick Sykes tone by using a treble booster in front of the amp. It is kind of my way of getting a similar tone to his without having to slave the amp and it also gives me that saturation at very low volumes.

As far as the MKIII setting I use

Far left Volume on 10 pulled out
Treble 10 pulled out
Bass 0-2 pushed in
mid 0-2 pushed in
master volume 1 pulled for deep
lead drive 10 pulled out
lead master 5-10 depending on my mood

I control the volume at master volume

The graphic eq is set for a v patter and is scooped more drastically depending on what speakers I use.

forgot to mention that the speakers used are important. I would go with vintage greenbacks, h30's or the mesa MC90's. Those are the only speakers that I have been able to get the Sykes sounds out of
Good info Mark. But instead of wasting your time on the interwebz to help Carlos shouldn't you be working on new material to send me? ;)

Hahaha Carlos is Carlos. He doesn't need help. Or, maybe it's that there isn't any help for him? Hmmm.... :D You know me Johnny, I'm always on the quest for certain guitar and drum sounds. I'll start working on some new stuff right after Halloween, which could definitely use your talents. ;) And I'll be posting "Leaving" here very soon. Have to work on my yearly Halloween pics right now (maybe I'll post them in the photography thread). :devil: /end thread derailment Back on topic....
:lol: It's good to be home again. :)

To the OP: good luck with getting that tone. I won't get into the whole "his tone comes from his hands"...though that's part of the equation. I don't know anything about Mark V's, but I think they have a Mark IIc setting, right? Using that, you should be able to get close to the sound. But you'll never get fully there with just one guitar track. Keep in mind that it's multi-layered with each track EQ'd a little differently, probably from using different cabs or different mic'ing. But you should be able to get close enough to have fun with it. I hope the guy that said Sykes is his friend's dad isn't just yanking our chain. :)
And as I go back and read this I discover that I somehow mistakenly thought Carlos started this whole thing. Disregard everything I said and now I'm back to not knowing exactly why I dig him. Must be a fu**ing Friday.

Sykes still kills it though. That is all.
And as I go back and read this I discover that I somehow mistakenly thought Carlos started this whole thing. Disregard everything I said and now I'm back to not knowing exactly why I dig him. Must be a fu**ing Friday.

Sykes still kills it though. That is all.

you like me because I bought your SM7 :)

and my doggy style