How will you listen to PL

_Gentleman of_the Snow_

Prog' Drummer
Oct 30, 2005
Toronto, Canada
When you first tear open the shrinkwrap, open the case and pop in the CD (after smelling that new CD smell, of course), how are you going to listen to Paradise Lost for the first time? What are you going to be doing? Where are you going to listen to it? I've never anticipated an album as highly as PL before, so it has to be a great moment... but I'm not quite sure what I'll do yet :)
I'll probably first listen to it in the car. Then I'll rip it the computer and listen to every time on it.

Nice thread btw.
i will sit before my huge symphony x shrine with hundreds of tealights alight in a dark room by myself, with a huge soundsystem playing it in surround sound so i am completely immersed in the sound :D
Step 1: Unwrap cd
Step 2: Sit for five or so minutes trying to comprehend the fact that it's finally done
Step 3: Put it in my computer; Upload it to my itunes
Step 4: Play the album
Step 5: make Live Human Sacrifices to the gods of Metal
Step 6: Repeat from Step 4
well, i guess it's a good sign that we're all assuming we'll still be using CD's when the album finally comes out.

before i get crucified.....JUST KIDDING
I will probably die on the way home on the bus out of town, knowing I have it in my hands but can't listen to it (though I'll probably rip off the plastic and look at the liner notes...)

Then I'll get home, chuck it in my cd player in my room, crank it up, and just lie on my bed and listen to the whole thing right through... it shall be bliss...
Step 1: Unwrap cd
Step 2: Sit for five or so minutes trying to comprehend the fact that it's finally done
Step 3: Put it in my computer; Upload it to my itunes
Step 4: Play the album
Step 5: make Live Human Sacrifices to the gods of Metal
Step 6: Repeat from Step 4

I'll probably do the same thing, except for step 5. I'll sacrifice whole emo bands instead.
:) I'm gonna try a way of listening to a new album that I've never tried before:

I'll listen to the first 10-20 seconds of each song, just to give me more anticipation/nearly drive me insane.
Then each day, I'll rip one song to my itunes and ipod, and I'll listen to it as much as I want, as well as all the songs from the previous days.
After I'm done that with the whole album, I'll listen to the album all the way through. I'll probably be sitting in bed eating cookies or chips and drinking some kind of fruit juice (I love apple juice). Or maybe if it's in August or later (probably won't), I'll be drinking beer cause I'll be 19!:kickass:

Yeah, I think that'll make each song have a special place in my heart.:worship: It'll be hard not to give in and listen to the whole album before the appointed time though. It'll be the ultimate resistance test.
I think it will be released the same day as DT and Kamelot, and i wont be able to deal with it and will off my self :OMG:
Jaen said:
i'll just download it...

:lol: good one..

i will first maybe avoid the forum for 2/3 weeks till it arrives in the mail so that im not cast into a deep depression of envy over how everyone else on the board has it before i do..

then i will hug and kiss it, the same way i do every cd/dvd i get that i have really anticipated..

then i will listen to it on my stereo, then upload to the comp and if i have a new usb cable for my ipod by then (lets hope i do), ill put it on the ipod and probably spend time just laying down somewhere quiet and listening to it..