How's the new album coming?


Sep 10, 2009
I'm really only posting this seeing as this forum has been completely devoid of activity for over a month now. But since there haven't been any new announcements on album #3 lately, I was wondering just where it stands and how much progress has been made. Is it almost finished? Or do we still have a while longer to wait?
Well, it's taking a little longer than expected but the drums for the new Prototype album have been recorded and we're hoping to start the guitars in the next week or two. Hopefully we'll have a video update or something coming soon.


Hell, take as long as you guys need.
A little patience is a small price for what I'm sure will be an excellent album.
Happy New Year all,

Here's a minor update on the new Prototype album...

We were sidetracked by the holidays and another project that we're trying to finish but Vince and I are about 2/3 done with the rhythm guitars for the new album. We've got about 2 1/2 songs to go and then we're on to clean guitars, bass and solos. We will then record the vocals, possibly with a friend (and former Prototype member) at his studio. Since we are recording guitars in our own studio we are really taking our time so that we get things exactly how we want them. That means that it will be a little longer than we had hoped before the album is ready but we think that it will be well worth the wait.

